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Everything posted by entrerix

  1. ugh, i hate it when a game won't let you remap all the controls. borderlands on xbox was extremely obnoxious in that regard because it had 10 preset control schemes and NONE of them had button placement that made sense to me... oh well, the controls in gta 4 console version didnt bother me, so hopefully i'm fine with them here
  2. you are all bastards. dirty no good bastards.
  3. this thread sucks at talking about westerns and is awesome at talking about commas.
  4. i normally shy away from preordering games. i also didn't really like gta 4. yet i preordered red dead redemption. it looks like an interactive western movie. and boy howdy do i love a good western. seriously, this game sounds better and better from every preview that comes out. treasure maps? quests with choice and consequence? hunting exploring trapping cattle herding bandit fighting grizzly skinning bank robbing railroad companies posse's brothels saloons poker cheating-at-poker whiskey drinking gunfighting squinting oh my god the only thing it needs is a score by ennio morricone!!!! the only downside i see is that i can't make my character look like lee van cleef or henry fonda....
  5. i hate box art like this, i prefer box art thats more minimal, the european heavy rain boxart comes to mind, or, in movie land, the poster for "There Will Be Blood" that just looked like an old leather bible... simple but really gets the "feel" across. i'd rather just a desolate, eerie plain, or simply the fallout logo over sepia tones or something (im not an artist so i cant design this stuff, i'm just picky about aesthetics. all that said, i LOVE old movie posters that are painted, like the treasure of sierra madre, or rashoman or even raiders of the lost ark. and those are very often pulpy and over-the-top. so maybe no one should listen to me when it comes to artistic taste.... edit: holy crap! i just realized that i love this box art IF THEY TAKE THAT GUY OFF IT. seriously, the rest of the art looks awesome with that hellish vegas in the background, the foreground is just RUINED by the figure who looks photoshopped into it
  6. the problem is you are not simply locking your door, you are looking at the living room of the customers who paid for your goods. its totally different. i do feel for the devs too, and i'm not heartless, but still the current drm trend is similar to me as say the following example: I've been a best buy customer for years, i like the store/selection etc whatever, but one day when i go to buy a new tv, they tell me that I need to allow them to pat me down before they let me leave the store with the tv. I know I havent stolen anything, in fact, i've just spent $1500 on a nice new tv, but still they wont let me leave the store with the tv until i let them pat me down... well, rather than agree i would return the tv on the spot and not allow them to touch me because i feel they are overstepping their bounds as a retailer. which is why i unfortunately cannot allow myself to get alpha protocol, its not about the money, its about principles. those same principles which forbid me from stealing or pirating a game, will also keep me from buying a game that will intrude on my desired rights as a paying consumer
  7. i hope so, though i have a feeling there are not very many people like me who play video games, though there are several who frequent these forums, i still feel we are a great minority don't get me started on the movie industry right now either, i have plenty of money, but i'll be damned if i pay 10-15 dollars to see a movie in the theater that i can see for about 1 dollar at home if i wait 3 months...
  8. i vote with my dollars, if i buy it the day the drm is removed then it will help demonstrate to publishers that drm actually LOSES customers i spend about $500 a year on video games, i'm a serious consumer, but i don't spend money on things i have a problem with. digital rights management in all forms bothers me. some forms more than others, after reading the articles about the sega drm scheme, it bothers me enough to not support it with my money. steam doesnt bother me, because as a previous poster wrote, its not just drm, its a whole online service with drm only being one small aspect of it imo. I only need one of these types of things infecting my computer though, steam is enough, no more... unless your game is SO GOOD THAT THE GODS DEMAND I PLAY IT.... which is why i know i'll cave and sign up for blizzards new service thing to play starcraft 2 and diablo 3. however, were either of those games to require a monthly fee to play then i would not buy them (once again a vote with my dollars - i don't abide by ongoing fee schemes, i would rather pay 150$ once and have unlimited usage than pay by the hour) there are some services which i pay for even though they bother me, xbox live, for instance. i refused to pay for xbox live because multiplayer should be free imo. HOWEVER, i bought into xbox live for the netflix streaming option, because i watch tons of movies and the convenience of this product was worth the 35$ a year it costs me to have xbox live, that i can play games online is an added bonus, but it still bugs me that so many people are willing to pay for it, though to be fair, i do see much of that money put to use, there are a lot of neato little features involved, but nothing better than steam, which is free. so yeah, im not exactly 100% principled, if a product is good enough then i will relent and pay for something i dislike the theory behind, but this is not such a product, i will instead wait 2 more years to play alpha protocol and show sega that some of their wealthiest customers don't like drm, and maybe someday drm will just be a bad memory of overreaching publishers.
  9. damn, i am not looking forward to waiting 18-24 more months until they release a drm free version... oh well, i've waited this long, whats another 2 years.... or i could buy it on xbox... le sigh... there probably weren't going to be any good mods for this game anyway... right?
  10. really, out of all the previews the ONLY things I've seen which come across as possible negatives to the game are: 1. perhaps too much silly comedy? mutants in wigs? frank sinatra gang? i won't say its too much right now since i don't know, but from the previews it's showing up more than i'd like fallout 2 was funny at times but the humor was far and away at its best in fallout 1 2. perhaps not enough new art assets/textures... i wouldnt bring this up except that i think it would go a long way to change up some of the basic ground and wall textures so they didnt look the same as f3. i dont know how hard this would be to do, but if it wasn't too time consuming then i think the benefits would be substantial to many folks all the other information we've gotten has been A++ in my book and I'm REALLY excited about this game
  11. i'd leave mine with legend of zelda: wind waker... so much whimsy
  12. im late to the party but regarding red shield and damage threshold in FNV.... oh hell yes! also iron sights = awesome also again, damage threshold = thank god. sawyer's explanation of the red shield makes perfect sense to me and i fully approve oh and not to forget: checks being threshold instead of constantly hitting f5 = MUCH MUCH BETTER sawyer is no fool, he's making sensical and smart decisions to improve the mechanics of the game. lets hope that the other people on board can follow up with interesting level design and smart and fun quests imo: fallout 3 was a fun video game, but a lousy fallout game. and it was NOT a fallout sequel, but rather a spin off like tactics
  13. are there any gameplay videos yet or just screenshots? i'm guessing that e3 will provide a big pile of new info about the game?
  14. I wonder about the amount of quests and the presence of dialogue "puzzles" (for dialogue puzzles see planescape torment... i mean those puzzles that are all solved within a dialogue box of which there were dozens in torment) i like having lots of little side quests (which i thought fallout 2 had plenty, but fallout 3 had too few) and i also like having lots of meatier side quests (fallout 3 had a sufficient amount of these imo) and i LOVE having little dialogue puzzles throughout the game (fallout 1 and 2 had a few of these, but they were mostly really simple (convincing the post man not to blow himself up is one i remember, and of course the obvious "puzzles" of convincing the master to off himself or your conversations with the scientist and president on the oil rig in f2. fallout 3 had none of these because every dialogue that mattered could be easily completed with a skill check convincing the ai at the end to self destruct was, frankly, embarrassing because of how badly it was written compared to the end scene of fallout 1. i really like that all skills will now be relevant for dialogue in new vegas, i think thats a good idea and could lead to some great moments, like that stealth example we heard about a few months ago (stealth check to succeed in planning an ambush in dialogue with another character) but i wonder if there will be some dialogues where you have to, you know, actually think about what you say to people to get the results you want...
  15. adiosurf is a fantastic game, when i'm feeling a little bored or down i can instantly be cheered up by this game... a really really recommended experience lately i've been playing 1. street fighter 4 2. batman AA (again) 3. valkyria chronicles 4. Left 4 dead 2 (still)
  16. http://www.vintagegameclub.org/post?id=4678271 i don't know how many people here frequent the brainygamer blog, but they've reformatted their Vintage Game Club forum (which is a forum for people to all play along a game together and discuss it) and i thought people here might be interested once the ball gets rolling.
  17. i like the idea of it being in the game (in a VERY limited manner). perhaps its the device that the ncr is using to hold dominion over the region and when you beat the game/kill the biggest baddie you get the device and can choose what to do with it in the post-story ala deus ex... become a god/ annihilate the world/ burn the device?
  18. the harder question is which is the best adventure game for a kid to start on...
  19. R.O.F.L.M.A.O tim cain... goddamn... if its a joke its awesome. if its not a joke (which i believe the case) then just... lol...
  20. i learned this myself after playing fallout 1 for about 2 hours. i restarted and remade my character and never looked back.
  21. i hope that they go the classier route and make the game more tactical and your build choices more meaningful even in the non-hardcore mode. a friend of mine who only plays xbox, and only owns gta4 and left4dead bought fallout 3 on a whim and played it for a few days, at first he was surprised to find it was an rpg but he stuck with it for a while and really really agonized over what skills to pick at the beginning and how to spend his attribute points, like he got really into it and was excited about it. a week later he's discovered that it didnt matter AT ALL what choices he made on his characters first few levels and then he just kinda gave up on the game cause he felt like nothing in it mattered. pretty funny considering he's a huge fan of gta, where nothing really matters at all, but i think it was the trick that the game made him think his choices were important and then he felt cheated when he saw it was a sham... and like i said, this guy is NOT a serious core gamer, he doesnt play pc games and has never played any rpg's except maybe disc one of final fantasy 7 when it came out
  22. how did you melt the solder balls what is a solder ball where is the solder ball located does any wiring have to be done what is thermal paste where does thermal paste go why do you need thermal paste THANKS!
  23. Its been like that for more than five years i think the problem actually is that i've finally caught up on most of the old classics that i had in mind to play so now im mostly just looking at whats new... and seeing not much console games on the other hand are being released at an absolutely breakneck pace right now (and for the past year) so that's where the bulk of my time is spent gaming... oh well, 80% of my gaming is on console, but 80% of my favorite all time games are on PC... what a strange situation... still this year looks to be a great one (compared to the last few) for pc gaming... the first blizzard game you don't have to pay a monthly fee to play since warcraft 3!!
  24. ACTI should have been doing their level best to keep their best employees as happy as possible so they would have no desire or reason to leave. instead they crap all over their employees and then get surprised when they leave for greener pastures... "hey bobby, our best employees are mad at us and are starting to look for other jobs" bobby answer: "**** em. hail satan and call the legal team... we'll teach them to mess with Mr. B.K."
  25. i think i'll finally get around to playing chaos theory instead of this new game, then i'll pick up conviction when its $19.99 i played that pandora something something game when it came out and didnt like it much but i've been hearing that chaos theory blows it out of the water so fingers crossed really though i imagine i'll probably get an hour into it and then get bored and pop in metal gear solid for the billionth time instead...
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