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Everything posted by entrerix

  1. not having a distinctive art style helped make the game feel more "real". i really want a good sequel to deus ex. I REALLY want one, but i just think its going to be more like what happened with bioshock, at best. things were going well for a while, system shock 2 came out and was awesome, and then it was built on by deus ex, and it was even better... but then all the stuff that was awesome about deus ex was then ignored by all future gaming and there has been nothing like it since... wtf happened?
  2. my decision to wait until they patch the drm out of the game seems like a wise one, maybe by then they'll have patched some of the bugs and optimized a bit more. nwn2 on release v nwn2 2 years later is a totally different experience thanks to all the patching also: i agree with volourns above post. combat in rpgs is often quite fun. its not fun the same way as it is in half life, but it often is fun for different reasons.
  3. that ign list is absolutely ****ing awful. any list that doesnt have shodan at least in the top 10 is just flat out stupid imo, and that is not even the most idiotic thing about that list. i'd say more but reading it just made me angry. gorgon is spot on too about nazis zombies etc those are settings, not "villains" and glados is awesome, but higher than shodan? really? ok maybe 1 spot higher cause she's funnier but 90 spots higher??? gimme a ****ing break, thats like saying that the remake of dawn of the dead is 90 places better than the original. both are good, but one CLEARLY preceded the other in a meaningful way and deserves recognition for breaking ground in addition to being flat out awesome.
  4. I'm gonna be honest, if you're really hot. I mean hot like attractive, fit, sexy, good looking, wealthy, well dressed and getting laid regularly by other hot people... you can say you play D&D and people instead of staring at you like a psycho will actually ask you stuff like "really? I've always wondered what that was, is it like a game or something?" if hot person responds: "actually its more like collaborative problem solving. You and some good friends are presented with a problem, and then you work through it together" then the hot person retains dignity and also is maintaining hot veil of mystery. NEVER TELL THEM WHAT D&D IS ACTUALLY LIKE. you will lose 2-8 points hotness immediately (depending on how detailed you are in your description).
  5. character movement frankly sucks, but its odd how little it actually seems to matter since you so rarely have to negotiate obstacles in the wide open plains... the game is both fantastic and also overhyped. its not the second coming, but its so damn good its easy to get lost in it for hours and hours and look forward to going back to it... its my second favorite game this year (i really liked mass effect 2...) still, its better imo than every gta put together (which is pretty easy for me to say since the only gta i liked was vice city) i also don't think its "too easy", i've died about 20 times so far, which is more than i die in most games nowadays. granted, some of those deaths were to me just charging headfirst into a group of mounted bandits, or getting mauled by a pack of wolves while picking flowers and accidentally pulling out my lasso instead of my gun... (two wolf bites = dead, 5 wolves = very fast death) but still, i dont think its too easy. I haven't touched the multiplayer yet, but all i really want to do is play poker against people online then accuse them of cheating and shoot them while they try to explain they weren't wearing the "cheater suit"
  6. FF9 was the last great FF game, it's still not QUITE as good as 6-8, but its miles better than X and XII were. I love that game and vivi is one of the most heartwarming videogame characters EVER.
  7. i think sawyer and co. should really consider adding a couple treasure maps in the game which require you to follow landmarks and clues to find goodies (no compass hints), there was at least one of these in bethfallout and it was fun, and red dead redemption has done this too and its a popular little diversion that adds a lot of flavor
  8. hardcore mode tweaks are as follows correct?: ammo weight sleep requirements food requirements stimpacks heal over time Nothing else right? so it doesnt cause bullets to do more damage? are we still going to have to shoot 36 rounds from a minigun into a raiders head to kill him?
  9. im looking forward to these more than pretty much any other feature of the game. i just hope that the treasures found actually feel worth finding
  10. fallout 3 is the only game i've ever played where i thought to myself "this would be better if i had to actually eat these foods that I'm finding to survive" the reason: the game in many ways is more of a wasteland survival simulator than a fallout sequel. hardcore mode just takes that survival simulation to the next level. i think its a great idea.
  11. go liberty. assassins creed 2 was awesome drm sucks.
  12. good question! also: are there less stimpacks now????
  13. the western setting does not appeal to people with bad taste. same as ennio morriconne(sp?) scores in all seriousness though, any person who thinks The Good The Bad and The Ugly or Once Upon a Time in the West are bad films has absolutely ZERO credibility when it comes to their opinion on entertainment. zero. imo. I'm sure someone out there thinks I have no taste nor credibility because I think the transformers movie from the 80's is better than the michael bay travesty.
  14. an 8.9 from meristation means the game will probably end up in the lower 80's on metacritic. based on my magic ability to extrapolate impossible conclusions from minimal evidence
  15. the guy played like crap and got killed. it also showed that just running around willy-nilly with a shotgun out isn't a great strategy in an espionage oriented game. its hard to run-n-gun in deus ex (for me at least), and it appears hard in this as well so color me excited as for enemies running and punching when shooting might be a better idea... well, the ai in deus ex is awful and that game still is a fantastic experience even compared to more modern games so that aspect alone does very little to worry me. also, the animations for "sneaking" are stiff, but other animations are done quite well so i'm not too worried in that department either. linear levels though.... that might be a dealbreaker in this type of game for me though, we'll see how that plays out. if there is enough C&C in other aspects of the game or the storyline is really just awesome then it might not matter
  16. i have a feeling that in the week right before its released there will be a big jump in pre-orders, red dead redemption and alan wake are out now, and will be played heavily over the next couple weeks, but alpha protocol will be able to push their game without any real direct competition for that week. also any early reviews that are good will REALLY help push the game,
  17. Good thing you do, amirite? i was "imagining" it... but fair enough, you got me.... sneaky bastard
  18. oh sorry i didnt realize that you knew what all the silent fans were thinking
  19. it's weird how people talk about "exclusives" nowadays, in the genesis v super nes days there were no "exclusives" because almost EVERYTHING was exclusive. very few games were on both systems, and when they were, they were very different usually (mortal kombat...)
  20. oh man, can you imagine the fallout 3 fan reaction to the return of critical failures on attacks.... it would be awesome. "what do you MEAN i just lost all my ammo.... how the hell does that even happen!!!1!!" "how did i just HIT MYSELF with my sledgehammer?!?!?" i love critical failures/misses etc, but imo they really only belong in turn based games. so if fallout is ever allowed a proper sequel then im sure critical misses would return
  21. JC Denton had 4-5 different preset faces you could choose. i'm jus sayin
  22. i beat uncharted 2 last night. game is a THRILL RIDE! tons of jaw dropping moments. downsides = the combat still feels like a chore you slog to on the way to the next crazy stunt-piece 8.8 tonight imma start on red dead... yippy ky-aye mother ****ers
  23. maybe i was doing it wrong but i spent probably 60 hours on that game and was still getting owned by regular enemies in the later parts. hitting end bosses for 3 damage.... not my idea of easy. I'm no rpg pro, but games like ff6 are easy as pie and vagrant story was hard as hell
  24. i love demons souls, but if they do a sequel i'd actually like it if they had an "easy" mode. i know i know, its sacrilege and ignores the spirit of the game, but dammit, i'm almost too scared to play it some times because of how hard i have to concentrate when i play it. i also think a re-release of vagrant story with an easy mode would be awesome, that game was soul crushing.
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