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Everything posted by HoonDing

  1. Eh, it is possible to play as a female human noble, right? I'm curious to see the city elf origin. I'm wondering how a servant who skewered some humans (at least, that's the impression I got from reading about it) would be appointed grey warden.
  2. To lighten the atmosphere even further, there should be the occasional appearance of the
  3. What's up with all you people? It's like four hours long and it's also awesome. If you can't get past something watch that part on youtube. Hey now, I've played & finished the Myst & Schizm games without looking at game guides. Some of those puzzles take days to figure out. I simply forgot about it.
  4. I should've thought about the Fremen, but it's 29
  5. They seem to be the quintessential warrior race that are big about honour, inherent to any fantasy/sci fi setting. Like the Klingons from Star Trek or the Aiel from Wheel of Time.
  6. To rephrase, what we know is that the amount of energy involved with destruction of the Earth would be the one of large galactic events like (super)novas & black holes what I meant to say is that from observations, those events are highly unlikely in our part of the galaxy - therefore I did not mention them. Of course, I acknowledge that I don't know nearly enough about astronomy or cosmology to make a fair assessment.
  7. I should finish Portal one day. When I got it, I played it through until I got stuck on one of the last rooms and haven't played the game since.
  8. DA's Elves seem a knock-off of Sapkowski's ones, locked into 'ghettos' and others rebelling against the human tyranny like the Scoia'tael in the Witcher, and humans building their civilization on the ruins of the Elder Races' cities. This is unlike most high fantasy, where the Elves & Dwarves are at friendly terms with the humans, but usually estranged due to humans breeding like rabbits. DA's Dwarves seem to just stay in their mountain/underground realms as in all high fantasy (neglected as always, even Tolkien's history of the Dwarves was perfunctory at best). As for the so-called "Darkspawn", I guess they'd be corrupted Elves like Tolkien's Orcs or specially bred villains like the Uruk-hai or Jordan's Trollocs? That'd be typical for the setting.
  9. The world could be literally destroyed at any moment if it'd be hit by one of Hawking's micro-black holes and the thing kept venturing to the Earth's core. Or if the CERN would create one. Other than that, there's not much that can destroy the Earth beyond a journey into the sun or a Death Star.
  10. Global warming seems the only candidate to end the world within our lifetime.
  11. No ascerbic preview is going to change my mind, I've already marked October 20th on my calendar. I even got myself a special piggy bank marked with "I luv Dragon Age" that I need to get filled until that time.
  12. I'd like to see her handle a firehose.
  13. I do use the unique .32 from the Pitt called "Wild Bill's sidearm" to kill petty enemies like radroaches, dogs, mole rats or raiders. It's a fun weapon. Besides, there are two bugged perks introduced in Point Lookout that permanently increase all weapon damage by 5 points, so suddenly even Chinese pistols become decent.
  14. Lift even works on a Geth Colossus, IIRC. Very Master Yoda, that. The combat would be more fair if enemies could use lift & singularity on your party too. The few challenging fights in the game (for me, at least) are when one is posed against biotics and those only use Throw. Not to mention, enemies making better use of tech abilities (especially damping) would even things out quite a bit too.
  15. ^What is that person doing with a radiator?
  16. Some information about that on the wiki: Spells
  17. Only problem with their previous games (especially Gothic 3) is the chronic scarcity of human females. But I guess in an island setting, at least, that isn't so much a problem.
  18. The guy's getting whopped by a boar doing insane amounts of damage. Must indeed be a Gothic game. I like it.
  19. Giants: Citizen Kabuto from Planet Moon Studios was divided into three parts with very different gameplay, each played with another character. It worked really well. EDIT: spelling
  20. I'm surprised nobody has yet mentioned an eruption of the Yellowstone Caldera or a gamma ray burst.
  21. For laughs, acquire the Mysterious Stranger's unscoped Magnum - it does 9,000 damage.
  22. What are you playing it on? I've got a gtx275 and 2 gigs of ram and it still loved to hang out in the sub-30 fps range. Which isn't too much of a problem, but it felt more jittery about it than polite society would dictate necessary. Ah well, I didn't even care for the game too much so I don't know why I need to run it perfectly anyway. I have 3 GB RAM, Geforce 8800GT and the game runs generally smoothly everywhere save in towns. There the fps takes a nosedive to the low 20s.
  23. The Return of the Pint-Sized Slasher
  24. Not to forget, the hero should suddenly turn from a schmuck, barely able to lift a shovel, into a master swordsman just because some powerful villain taunted him how he had butchered the population of the hero's village.
  25. Judge not and you shall not be judged... R.I.P., Michael.
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