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Everything posted by HoonDing

  1. Hopefully the Benelux gets this game earlier than the rest of Europe... the game was developed in Oudenaarde which is a twenty minutes drive away from where I am, for cryin' out loud.
  2. Cool trailer. Looks like Mad Max 2 on steroids.
  3. Is it just me, or does Divinity 2 look more kick-ass than Dragon Age? I think I have a new favourite.
  4. What the heck is the monster in the third screenie?
  5. Swashbuckler/rogue is my new favourite... swashbuckler has lore, taunt, diplomacy & bluff as class skills which leads to some very interesting options if one invests points in these (e.g. Chapter II trial). With some rogue levels one can become even more versatile and the sneak attacks comes in handy too.
  6. Well, that was pretty compelling - wonder how it turns out for a female noble... I'm waiting with worms on my tongue for the City Elf origin trailer.
  7. That should be alright... but I'm not sure how well XP works with 256 MB RAM...
  8. Darkstar One. Best game Ascaron ever churned out.
  9. And that is why you kill all the inhabitants.
  10. Have you looked at the thread about how to run the game on Vista: Link ?
  11. Unless your computer is ancient (pre 2005), it should run fine on XP.
  12. Not without a nice cup of metagaming:
  13. Shawshank Redemption. Very good, but nothing like the book.
  14. I guess it'd be hard for any Tolkien-related MMO to stick faithfully to the lore of the creator... 'magic' as in D&D magic would be restricted to the Istari & wielders of the Three, female characters would be restricted to staying at home, etc. Not to mention that the entire premise of LOTR was that the only hope of vanquishing 'evil' was to destroy the One Ring. Victory by arms was impossible to the numeric superiority of the Enemy & the division among the Free Peoples of the West.
  15. *wipes away tears* This totally made my day...
  16. Wow, that's impressive... I'm definitely going to give this game a try when it's out. If there's any MMO being able to kill World of Warcraft, it should be this one.
  17. I wouldn't be surprised if the MMO 'explains' what happened to Revan/Exile in the Unknown Regions to render a KOTOR 3 unnecessary.
  18. I thought that one was notoriously bad.
  19. I would rather have it done manually, not by a god damn skill. Hell, I'd rather be the one fishing, than watching some dumb**** throw a fly into the water and try to pull a fish out and have to watch. Have you been playing Fable too much? Largest fish I caught in that game was around 200 kgs. No kidding.
  20. Near the end of the game, is there any way to
  21. I don't know... usually when I am actually consciously looking items in a Bethesda game, they all seem to disappear from the game.
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