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Everything posted by HoonDing

  1. Well, if it is done like in the Witcher with the oil painting cutscenes, then I can see nothing wrong with it. I do not mind killing off potentially recruitable NPCs. If it's possible, I'm definitely going to kill that over-hyped scarecrow Morrigan.
  2. I'd go with cold resistance. But frankly, death magic is more of an issue in MOTB than elemental magic.
  3. There's Wacken Open Air in Kiel, Germany at the end of July...
  4. Does it matter when a favored soul can get "Protection from energy" at level 6? Not to mention, companions can cast "Energy immunity" sooner or later.
  5. Well, in the warehouse enemies don't suddenly pop up out of nowhere to stab you in the back. The major annoyance I had at the early parts of the game is that Qara, Khelgar & Elanee were killing things way earlier than me.
  6. I extracted it from the middle of page 2 in the Eurogamer preview that was linked to by mkreku.
  7. Finally a detailed, unbiased preview looking at all aspects of the game (save storyline). "Clubbing a nice magical old lady into the ground is bad enough in any circumstances, but when Wynne finally expires, we're immediately shown a brief film detailing her potential impact on the rest of the game - what the world could have looked like, in other words, if we hadn't just put our enchanted shoe through her head." This seems a bit odd. It reminds me of Morrowind's "Reload a saved game or persist in this doomed world" ominous message after killing essential NPCs.
  8. Spells like Iron Body/Stone Body make immune to sneak attacks but casters can only cast it on themselves, unfortunately. The only thing more irritating than a group of rogues is a group of death knights (*cough* MOTB *cough*). Instead of a fighter/rogue, I like the swashbuckler/rogue combination. Swashbucklers have taunt, lore, diplomacy & bluff as class skills & those skills make the game a very enjoyable experience throughout.
  9. That Cthulhu comic seems to confuse the Old Ones with the Great Old Ones. The Old Ones are synonymous to the Elder Things from At the Mountains of Madness, IIRC.
  10. I'm playing Tribunal. Finally managed to get it working on my stubborn Windows Vista.
  11. Has anyone already tried monkey gripping scythes? I've played MOTB through once with a pure Ranger and once with a Paladin/Divine Champion. With the ridiculously powerful companions you get in the game, it's hard to go wrong in this regard.
  12. I have pretty much the same specs as you and the game works for me... maybe try other Realtek drivers?
  13. On bad days, the game crashes every twenty minutes or so for me... on good days the game never crashes at all. Must be the weather...
  14. A game set during the Great Sith War (40 years before KOTOR) would be nice, with a protagonist like one of the Qel-Droma family or Nomi Sunrider. Jolee Bindo was around then too..
  15. That's actually how I pictured a Full Throttle "sequel" catered to modern audiences. While a FPS is a no-no, action elements would be an integral part of a Full Throttle sequel. The first game did have many of those - bashing up rival bikers, manhandling rude bartenders, etc.
  16. I tell you one thing: if sentient life does exist it had better have more important things to do than fly a bajillion miles here and stick objects up people's behinds. If not then frankly I don't WANT to make contact. I don't know. Aside from the goofy UFO stories, maybe 'flying a bajillion miles' for them is as trivial as taking the car on a trip to the supermarket. And maybe they're observing us as we would observe a colony of ants.
  17. I love Myst III: Exile since that one has Brad Dourif in it. I only played Riven through once, ten years ago or so... when I tried playing it again on XP, I couldn't get it to work anymore so I sold it. *shrug* A pretty remarkable first person adventure game/Myst clone is "Amerzone", to whom there are a few references in Syberia (Amerzone cuckoo, etc). It's very short & very easy, but very atmospheric and memorable, like all Sokal adventure games. The game really picks up again after Chapter 8.
  18. Wait... a Mass Effect MMO?! Where did you get that?
  19. Or how about they actually make Loom 2 or Full Throttle 2. That would be pretty sweet.
  20. Spent the bulk of the day watching Wimbledon. The gentlemen decided to drag it out until 16-14 in the fifth set.
  21. I say: more adjectives! "Ancient Shadows Rising: the Dark Age of the Relentless Hordes of the Dread Narcolich"
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