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Everything posted by HoonDing

  1. Beat me up, Scotty! My fingers! They're freezing!
  2. So if the PC gets laids ten times in the brothel, will he/she receive a pimp hat like in Fable?
  3. LA is awesome for all posterity just for developing those.
  4. Day of the Tentacle Loom Fate of Atlantis Full Throttle Grim Fandango
  5. I never bothered much with the trading in SoZ, I simply set up trading posts in all towns & a few caravans here and there but still I was swimming in money long before the game ended. This allowed me to bypass crafting entirely and simply buy 'uber' equipment for all my party members and subsequently wiping the floor with the antagonists. Good fun. Still,
  6. The animation system for healing is a good idea (it's like that in Gothic & Call of Cthulhu). It could even be tied to the Medicine skill --- the higher your medicine skill, the less time it costs to apply.
  7. It reminded me of Porky's. Sadly enough.
  8. I agree... but it wouldn't be Star Wars if the good guys wouldn't eventually prevail.
  9. I'd like to see an adventure game set in the SW universe. Something in the spirit of Space Quest or Return to Ringworld.
  10. I found that the combination of dementation & specializing in ranged made all bosses quite easy when I played a Malkavian, even Ming (while level 4 or 5 obfuscate makes one particular bossfight almost trivial). I should play again as a Ventrue once - dominate seems very similar to dementation.
  11. Bad karma ending = use Death Star to destroy Earth?
  12. I recently finished a replay with a Malkavian (=awesome) with unofficial patch and didn't run in any bug at all. I noticed the patch even added a few quests that were originally never marked in journal and/or didn't give any experience points upon completion.
  13. id must be careful not to make a game that blows Fallout 3 away in every aspect. It might make Todd Howard cry.
  14. Seems a lot like Hellgate: London. Grind, fetch, upgrade weapons, rinse & repeat. I'll be looking out for Rage instead.
  15. Is it possible to have a dog, a donkey and a rooster as NPCs? If a mage can shapeshift into a cat, I then can roleplay as one of the Bremen town musicians.
  16. I guess everyone in this thread is now marked as "Fair Game"?
  17. A new 20-year running soap opera could be made about the Wheel of Time.
  18. If Canderous Ordo was more like Black Whirlwind, even the mighty Revan would've gotten some major ass whopping in the Jedi Civil War.
  19. I am replaying Bloodlines a bit with a Malkavian (only playthrough I ever did was with Toreador) and it's great fun. Practically every dialogue option is a hoot & some of the NPC reactions to the PC's gibberish are priceless. Apart from this, I'm still trudging through Darkstar One... it's beginning to feel a bit like Oblivion/Gothic 3 in space.
  20. It worries me that the male protagonist in the video looks like a Carth Onasi clone.
  21. I've already watched the entire 'story' of this game on Youtube. Saves me from trudging through the actual game, I guess. Yay for Youtube!
  22. Where you at then? I live in Ghent. From around Bruges.
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