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Everything posted by HoonDing

  1. Please, more armchair anthropology.
  2. Office politics.
  3. No true Scotsman votes no.
  4. All Larian games generally fall apart about halfway through (except maybe Beyond Divinity which was terrible from the beginning) and divulge into inane combat slugfests. I didn't play Dragon Commander.
  5. This case reminds me of Hugh Grant getting caught with a hideous black prostitute when he had the ravishing Liz Hurley at home. What a loser.
  6. Dargon Age 3 = game of the year
  7. Officer Vagnini? Figures one with a name like that would over-overcompensate.
  8. When did Monaco become third world?
  9. He was right.
  10. Not even British hooligans are treated that badly over here.
  11. It's just the Patriarchy thread spilling out.
  12. Ban social media.
  13. If you own a house you're a millionaire. It's nothing special. I'm a millionaire.
  14. "yes, they are" No. "Neither are breasts" No.
  15. It's okay, as long as you're at the top.
  16. The slow blade penetrates the shield.
  17. Great thread.
  18. Dongs are not secondary sex characteristics.
  19. Don't blame the poster, (s)he's Eastern European.
  20. Aspies "fixing" your games for free. The wonders of crowd funding.
  21. Dude no, this is one of the best looking games I played on XBone so far. The fidelity of the textures and lighting is epic. And you can really admire the detail of the creatures you shoot at. It does look a lot muddier on last gen consoles though Those screenies don't do it justice, then.
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