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Monte Carlo

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Everything posted by Monte Carlo

  1. No, you are most welcome and I would hate to be thought of as not being delighted to see new faces. It's just that this is a hotly-contested issue and I suspected that the pro-romance forces might have rallied allies from the festering craters of the abyss (Bioware Social). I came across as less-than-welcoming and I apologize.
  2. I thought you were. The last time I was spoken to like that I was eight.
  3. Lots of nubs pitching in here. Where, I wonder, are they being bussed in from?
  4. Sounds an awful lot like a kit to me. No, because a kit is fixed and can't develop other skills.
  5. I can imagine Lycanthropic characters making the cut.
  6. This is why the class is tied to a cultural archetype which sets your initial skills and powaz. Knights get to inspire allies and perform healing. Regulars have combat and toughness-type feats. Tribals get agility and dodge powaz. Then you branch out and see what type of character you become from there.
  7. Plus, they are less than $70,000 away from the $2m milestone.
  8. Yes but all the fans are in Europe and it's a school-night.
  9. That's all very well, but my post was made knowing that we will have a class system. I am playing with the hand I'm dealt. I have a home-brew system. In it the base warrior class is divided into three: * Knight * Regular * Tribal The Knight is a quasi-paladin class, the regular an all-rounder with a focus on weapon specialisation and the tribal a barbarian / scout hybrid. All are cultural archetypes. I think this works, they are a bit like kits I suppose but within them there is more flexibility. For example, a regular can dip into the Knight and Tribal pools and vice versa (to a certain extent). This would, for example, make a Tribal Chieftan (i.e. a tribal with some knight characteristics, a frontier warrior (a regular who has gone snake-eater) or a Knight-errant (a knight who slums it with the other ranks, sacrificing leadership skills for weapon prowess). All varieties have role-play and cultural considerations behind them.
  10. Yes indeed, here in Europe it is 21:15 and I was wondering too. They are clearly having a six-Martini lunch or something.
  11. ^ A perk or powa that allows you to convert skill points across the combat and non-combat disciplines (maybe like a 3E cross-class x1.5 x 2 buy system) would be cool. If you were building the meanest most badass uber-killer who was a mute gimpoid you could boost combat stuff. If you were the most silver-tongued pacifist you could do the opposite. You still take a hit on the points, but you can transfer some.
  12. How do you like to structure fighter / warrior classes. The traditional (1st / 2nd Ed) D&D route is to (a) choose specific weapons (b) put proficiencies into them (c ) maybe choose a subclass or kit and (d) use the right magic items. It was pretty straightforward and not as interesting as the spell-casting / stealth classes. 3E made things a bit more interesting with kits, allowing you to build a tank, 'light fighter', dual-wielder, berserker or whatever using a menu of symbiotic skills, feats and classes. Then prestige classes came in and killed it. Then I started thinking about other games and the cultural underpinnings of warrior classes. If you think about it, the culture a warrior comes from will have an enormous influence on his or her class. * Types of weapons used (tech level / culture / taboo / tactics) * Codes / ethics (is there an elite warrior caste with rigid codes of chivalric honour or are fighters just mercenary scum?) * Armies (does the fighter come from a culture with a standing army or one with levies or auxiliaries or just a tribal horde) * Culture (tribal / developed) * Class (noble warrior trained in certain weapon types and tactics, or tribal skirmisher with survival skills and tracking?) Over to you. But I would like a warrior class that allows me to imagine a range of character archetypes, from rapier-armed remittance man through to axe-wielding berserker savage through to professional musketeer / mercenary through to wily and cunning tribal scout / skirmisher. And *without* the need for kits / subclasses. Is this possible?
  13. Hello. Obviously, this project is all over the Internet and in the gaming community. And the KS has been successful. So far, so good. But I was wondering how, In your industry, marketing works. P:E is a modestly budgeted title --- are you relying on viral marketing or will there be a separate, more traditional marketing effort of the type you might usually leave to the publisher. Furthermore, do you want to reach out to a new generation of gamers who might never have tried this sort of title but might like it? How do you plan on getting that message across? Would be delighted if somebody from the company shared their thoughts. Clearly, we all want as many gamers as possible to buy this product, and hopefully introduce new blood into this little, but rewarding, corner of gaming.
  14. In my awesome homebrewed RPG (Fighting in Tunnels) the point is made that many RPG weapons would never make the adveturer's cut: polearms and longbows are too big. Crossbows are too slow. No, most dungeoneering would be done with daggers, short swords, hammers and axes. Cestus, brass knuckles, poison...
  15. I think that the era described by Sawyer, ie high-medieval, lends itself to: • Mountebank --- A rogue class with trading / storytelling / negotiation and thief skills. Might also dabble in tech. Provides skill monkey / bardic / jack of all trades class that can easily be moulded into pure thief if player wishes. • Master-of-Arms --- A gentleman soldier but not a knight, this professional soldier specialises in melee combat but is also versed in the use of firearms. He can use his tactical nous to inspire colleagues. Some will also dabble in healing magics, an essential skill for any combatant, whilst others concentrate on parleying or scouting. This provides a versatile warrior class with quasi-paladin powaz without the goody-goody BS. I do not intend to discuss spellcasters as without more knowledge of the setting it is pointleSs.
  16. [speculation] So, it's Monday morning here in Europe (the hub of support for this tremendous project, btw). It's the early hours over in CA. What do we think the big announcement will be in about nine or ten hours time?[/speculation]
  17. 2014 is no drama. I'm playing the old IE games right now on BG TuTu, which will take me up to the release of Company of Heroes 2. That means that I'll be spending twelve months up to my neck in T-34s, snow and dead Nazis. Then comes Project Eternity...
  18. I know nothing about Linux except that the people who use it love it. If it brings in more money for the project then I'm all for it, just like I was for the Mac.
  19. From Arduin (check it out, completely gonzo and full of fabulous ideas) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arduin ... I give you... I absolutely loved the Phraints. http://www.google.co.uk/imgres?hl=en&safe=off&client=firefox-a&hs=IB3&sa=X&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&biw=1920&bih=1096&tbm=isch&prmd=imvns&tbnid=BcmSqx86i9ACiM:&imgrefurl=https://profiles.google.com/112496081196492342580/buzz/3DqvJdi9nFN&docid=3pM1IgJWRM6sKM&imgurl=http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_lpL870wV2A4/TI65USyVmkI/AAAAAAAAFNY/roqYXFFIofM/s1600/AGIfrontcover.jpg&w=1069&h=1600&ei=3_lfUKf1Osi40QXkl4Bw&zoom=1&iact=rc&dur=316&sig=108459245318143528918&page=1&tbnh=116&tbnw=78&start=0&ndsp=66&ved=1t:429,r:28,s:0,i:157&tx=47&ty=38
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