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Everything posted by Lexx

  1. Yeah, tbh people being "required" to use that stuff kinda shows that the game has some balance issues.
  2. Actually they kept many of the old glitches in the game. Andariel for example is still bugged.
  3. Why would you play with multiple accounts tho? D2R has much better character / inventory management, so splitting up items between characters isn't really necessary anymore.
  4. Well, there's also the time zone to put into consideration. And I only play a little bit here and there. The thought of grinding up everything again just feels so off-putting to me.
  5. Yes but it requires to start a new character and it's hours of grind to get into high level range where all the cool stuff drops. Easier to just wait it out till the ladder is over and the items get sold on marketplaces. That said, the old ladder-only items and rune words were already available in regular D2R now. I think the only stuff locked behind the ladder now is whatever they added new (the new rune words I guess).
  6. Nah, multiplayer stuff stays in multiplayer. At least I'm not aware of a way to get your stuff into singleplayer. I'm playing in multiplayer, though, because then I still have the option of trading with other players if necessary.
  7. I'm playing this character since D2R was released. Not gonna do any ladder stuff, though, that's way too much grind for no gain, imo.
  8. I'm doing a casual countess, andariel, diablo run every evening since a while. Just one run and then stop. The rarity of certain items annoys me to no end and I just can't be arsed to farm more, especially since leveling up at 90+ takes an ungodly amount of time. It's crazy how much the difficulty depends on the gear, though. I remember when I first went into Hell, it was a huge pain and everything was wrecking me in seconds. Now I'm breezing through everything and only a few mobs in act 5 / Baal are still able to hurt me. /Edit: The real pain is that I can't wear my valkyrie helmet anymore, because harlequin crest is so much better ... if it just wouldn't look so ugly.
  9. Considering the torture stories I've read today, they sure as hell don't want to be taken as POWs.
  10. You're telling me I'm not gonna get rich with my bunny NFTs?
  11. Looks like Elden Ring - The Movie.
  12. Oh my god, I just learned that Square Enix sold its studios to invest into crypto/NFT crap. What makes it even more stupid is that the NFT market is collapsing right now.
  13. Their mission design is simply stuck in the past. It's GTA3, etc. over and over again. Btw. I don't agree that there is little to explore. IMO the world is one of the best and I spent lots of time just randomly riding around, checking everything out. It's even why I was able to suffer through the multiplayer for so long -- because I could just ride around and enjoy the landscape, occasionally hunt a rare animal, etc.
  14. My issue is more the dissonance between open world and linear story missions. It's pretty clear that two teams worked on it ... the ones who wanted the more grounded, slower paced wilderness gameplay, and then the people who think players need to shoot some guys every 3 minutes or else they die of boredom. Every single story mission is the same. Go to x, go to y, headshot 100 people via aimbot. Every. Single. Time. So much wasted potential here.
  15. The rebuilding that will follow can make lots of people rich. Not necessarily us.. but you know, someone sure will fill their pockets.
  16. It was a dialog option for the player in the final dialog with Salt-Upon-Wounds and I guess some thought it was a racist remark. Can't really remember the details to it, but it was kinda lol at the time.
  17. When gobbledygook was used in Fallout New Vegas' Honest Hearts, people said it is racist.
  18. Speaking of The Orville, season 3 is to be released in june.
  19. It might be better than STD / Picard if the episodes aren't overarching, simply because a stupid plot will be over at once and not be drawn out over the whole season. However, I still don't have any hopes at all.
  20. It's made by the same writers, so basically it's guaranteed to be garbage.
  21. How could anyone actually think the Ghost of Kyiv was real. Right on first day there were screenshots of how he was created on facebook or something. It was just a guy who wanted to sell t-shirts if I remember right. /Edit: It was also the time where many people on the social media sites were like "we're just going to make **** up, because positive propaganda is good and helps the cause!" ... people who spoke against it got downvoted to hell. Of course a lot of this stuff was later used by the russian side as proof for western lies, etc. etc.
  22. The point from Lexx about Raylan was that he liked the show because it shows Raylan shooting other people actually causes others around him to react to it and not just calling it a thuesday. The Rookie is a tv show in which the same 6 police officers heroically prevent crime every 5 minutes, which makes it feel like propaganda.
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