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Everything posted by Lexx

  1. Yes. And then look at all those new voter suppression laws that are being introduced. American politicians are trying very hard to make as few people vote as possible.
  2. I'm pretty sure I didn't ask why Trump supporters see him the way they do. In fact, I know the answer for that -- they are dumb as a bag of toast and don't even know it. Besides, my original post wasn't about Trump at all. Even without Trump, america is heading in a direction that's very worrying (for the rest of the world at least. Clearly 50% of america don't mind). If he becomes president again in 2024, all hope for america is lost.
  3. I'm sorry, but I can't even finish reading all that whitewashing from Bruce up there. This handwaving just makes me angry. It's exactly what is enabling those people.
  4. That said, america is big, and obviously it's not the same everywhere. I'm blindly guessing that blue states fare much better- however, what's the point if red states can just bully everyone into their submission? You are just as strong as your weakest link, and americans weakest link are nazis who get approx 50% of all the votes right now. That's not a small number at all and should not be taken lightly. Blink and you can't do anything against it anymore.
  5. I'm not sure if you are serious or if you really didn't see what happened? Here, just some stuff off the top of my head + 30 seconds of google: - He is openly racist - Crapton of nepotism - How he handled Covid-19 - Immigration politics - Lied constantly and got away with everything - Insurrection, and got away with it (so far, we'll see what happens next) - Withdrawal from the Paris Climate Agreement - Wanted to get out of NATO - Is obviously a russian puppet - Enlisting Foreign Officials to Help His Candidacy (remember Ukraine) - Dismantled the Iran atom deal - Generally anti-science - Is part of some weird religious cult (ofc he is not religious, but he and his people don't mind using whatever they can to get power and money). Does all of this affect the rest of the world? No, but yes. America has become untrustworthy. Their word means nothing. They tell you one thing now and in 4 years, **** it. Now give those people the most powerful military in the world. No thanks. What year was your high school time? /edit: By the way, I'm not saying that Biden / Democrats are better. Most of them are the same coin, just different side, which makes all of this even worse.
  6. Are you serious? The 4 years he had caused enough damage for everyone around me to lose the last bit of trust in american politics. That said, I'm also pissed that the EU didn't finally step up and get their crap together. It's like they were following US lead for so long that they can't do anything on their own. It's time to fix that.
  7. American politicians are actively working on dismantling even the crappy form of democracy they currently have. It baffles me how americans don't realize where they are heading, and if you try to speak about it, they don't take it serious and / or laugh about it. Kinda how it went in the 1930s in germany, I guess. American children are pledging allegiance to a stupid flag and talk **** about "one nation under god" every day at school - everyone who doesn't participate gets bullied into it. How you can not see that this is step 1 in fascism and indoctrination is beyond me.
  8. Lately I keep thinking about the future and how the next 20 or so years might look like. Truth told, what has me worried the most is the developments in america. Everything over there becomes more fascist for years already, and americans don't even realize it, because they are so indoctrinated. It's like this frog in boiling water thing. Police becomes more military every day, right wingers successfully plant their judges and stuff everywhere, important human rights laws get overturned and disbanded, the gun violence, the tv channels that spew lies and propaganda without a break and it just feels like nothing can be done against any of this. It's too late. Really not looking forward to sit next to a right wing fascist bully with the strongest military in the world.
  9. Is it just me or is this trailer really oddly assembled? Like they just slapped a couple random sequences together?
  10. This looks pretty good. Just watching 20 mins of the video made me want to play it myself.
  11. Watched the indian bromance movie RRR. It was honestly not bad. Bit too long, though. Could probably cut at least 30 minutes out of it and not miss out on anything. Still, pretty fun action flick for the most of it, and not boring (I have a tendency to fall asleep in nowadays action movies, which I didn't here).
  12. Rude. Kazakhstan is a pretty nice looking place. And they don't just live in mud huts either.
  13. Is that because their economy was already crap before? Can't really ruin what's already ruined.
  14. Not sure how it's in slovakia, but in germany credit cards aren't as common as in america. We generally don't go into dept as easily as that. That means, nobody is throwing credit cards after the average Joe with the goal of having him spend all the money on it, so that he has to get a new credit card to pay of the old dept and make new one.
  15. Well, sure, people talk about it (higher food prices). But if I browse my google news feed, there isn't much about it. Personally I'm paying 100€ more per month for food now.
  16. My opinion is that the one scene of Miranda in ME was ridiculous. It was subtle like a jackhammer. I would have changed that scene as well if I could. Not because of self-censoring, but because it was really stupid.
  17. It really sucks, because his end was so unsatisfying. It's just such a waste.
  18. Just finished Stranger Things 4. All in all I liked it, but My guess is that the twist on season 5 will be that now they aren't "defending" anymore, but actively attacking. Maybe they throw in some Jurassic Park 2, with military hunting parties and stuff like that.
  19. tl;dr - war will keep going and Ukraine can probably not win back the lost territory, so we should just stop fighting. Then lots of hot air about diplomacy, but no proposals about what exactly should be done except basically "just let russia have what they have now." They conclude that to reach peace, fighting should be ceased right now - which by the way I don't agree, as that just gives russia time again to reorganize... we have seen that in the past, more than once. I get it. War needs to stop, but the way they write it just sounds like "waa-waa, let just have russia take what they want, so we can get back to normal again."
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