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Everything posted by Lexx

  1. If you believe in it very hard, everything is possible!
  2. Both aren't really known anymore for quality reviews, but if even they give the game such a good rating, it has to be better than average.
  3. BUT THE PC VERSION HAS COPYPROTECTION, DOESNT IT?? Oh wait, only console version got leaked. Nevermind then. :> By now I am really thinking about buying the game. Since I've got into the controls, it became much more fun... Even in singleplayer. Damn, reviews have to show up fast, so I can judge better.
  4. Damn, wanted to quote exactly the same right now.
  5. Loved Singularity. Would also love more of that. @ArmA2 free: Very nice idea to get more attention to the game. I am a bit sad about the ArmA3 announcement, as I find that not even ArmA2 was 100% "used up" yet.
  6. Well, current mainboards already have pretty good onboard soundcards. You just shouldn't buy a ****ty board. A soundcard is only really useful nowadays if you have a good sound system as well. Else the difference really is just marginal. I've kicked out my soundcard a few weeks ago when I've switched my mainboard. It solved lots of problems for me.
  7. I just know what I remember from DS1, which I played a lot years ago. It was a slow, boring, linear non-clickfest in which you only progress forward in the maps and never go back to some place.
  8. No. It had no sense of openness. Not at all, because you only moved forward in a corridor with strictly closed / walled paths. As far as I could see in some DS3 videos, there seem to be at least some parts of the game where you do not follow a straight corridor line. The MP world of DS1 was linear as well, with the difference of there being more hub locations with corridors in different directions.
  9. "Was Dungeon Siege 1 and 2 this linear? I can't remember." Yes, pretty much. I think there wasn't even any quest in DS1 (that I do remember). You just follow a long, linear path until you see the games credits screen.
  10. Fast, this game needs moar pc copyprotection!
  11. "Dieses Video ist in deinem Land nicht verf
  12. Died only once with the woman, died 3, 4 or 5 times with Lucas.
  13. Played the demo again with Anjali and I'll got more into the controls now. It actually feels pretty easy and smooth now and combat has become more fun. Guess I just had to get into it. Also I think that Anjali is more a character for me than Lucas. If I could definitive find some folks who play with me in coop when I have the time in the evening, I would consider buying it.
  14. I think sorophx point was more directed to the "pc"? /Edit: Btw. I just checked out my Dungeon Siege 1 again and I can't say it's much of an rpg either.
  15. This feels like a Fallout -> Fallout 3 d
  16. And now lets compare a first person shooter with a game that is played in birds eye view!
  17. How do you know that lots of features have been removed because of the story? The features would collide with the story?
  18. Shouldn't there be some announcement for a new Obsidian game or am I horrible wrong now?
  19. I liked how smooth the game / demo is running + the transition from outside to inside locations (if there is a difference, engine wise). Also that fire woman, whatever the name was, looks nice when in hoover mode and burning hair. :>
  20. FNVs gameworld makes sense, FO3s doesn't. That alone is enough for me to like the one and hate the other.
  21. Good old hypocrisy. Not really. FNV still has sucky elements that got carried over from Fallout 3. But at least the story and game world isn't such a big ****up, which is the point here. Not that this belongs into this thread here now, though...
  22. And after they both fight each other to death, it turns out that Shepard is actually gay. :>
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