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Everything posted by Lexx

  1. yes, there are none. I think this is because voice recprding for caesar was done already at that point and no new lines could be recorded?
  2. This non-fun issue can be streamlined, so it will appeal to the masses much better.
  3. I will hate the day where games will be made with console, tablets and smartphones in mind, which then will be ported to the pc afterwards.
  4. Didn't he explained that the casino security system automatically took that stuff away from you? Don't really remember anymore. The only thing that I found annoying in Dead Money was all that running around through labyrinth-like corridors. *This* was driving me crazy, the speaker and stuff not really... Didn't had much problems with them and usualy came around them pretty smooth all the time.
  5. By the way, in the preview
  6. So, every fantasy game needs dragons now?
  7. The build definitive still has interface issues, like subtitles in cutscenes being shown under the 16:9 black border (lol) or that the mouse doesn't correctly point on interface elements in the hacking screen, etc. But overal it has a pretty good quality already--- Not a big surprise, though, as it's a press preview build and imagine they would send the press some buggy ass****. I really thought DX3 will be bull****, but so far it has convinced me. Have to say that it seems like there isn't a lot story progress in the first 10 hours, though. You are mostly running around, searching for clues, etc. It's pretty much the buildup for some bigger conspiricy. It all reminds quite a lot of Hells Kitchen and Deus Ex 1. Most likely the devs took lots of inspiration here, to make it feel like a follow up to DX1. Now the real question is, if the games quality will hold on even after the preview build part.
  8. That old thread was too young to die. Anyway, Qore preview stuff in hd quality is .
  9. Yes, definitive worth buying. Gives a DX1 vibe and one can feel that they tried to please the DX1 crowd. The only issue one has to get used to first is that gold colortone over the whole game.
  10. Looks like there was too much whine.
  11. Climbing and wimming? How the hell should they do that? Reminds me of when Bethesda told why they don't have any ladders in their games.
  12. I was quite happy about it, because it reminds me of the Gothic games, where the item progression runs in a similar kind of way. I like this more than the diablo-way, where items with random stats are dropped all the time.
  13. That actually looks like something I'd grab day one as well. Didn't play the first Prey, but this one looks like it plays a lot like Brink, meaning a parkour heavy shooter. Funny though, it reminds me quite a lot of the Oddworld Stranger's Wrath intro.
  14. Like any other game. :> Players shouldn't have been able to import the items and problem would be solved.
  15. Islamists should buy Witcher 2 copies now and burn them. :>
  16. Didn't liked the new movie and if the game shall be based on the new movie, I'll feel uninterested as well.
  17. Heh, heard it there the first time as well (or I've noticed it there the first time). Tested out the new hair styles. They are all pretty good looking, imo, but I am still sticking with his default rivian ponytail style. I've liked that one since the first time I saw it, unlike the no-ponytail style Geralt got in Witcher 1 (though, even this one looks pretty good in W2).
  18. I think they happen partly-random based on what you do in combat? I've heard them a few times as well, but not very often.
  19. It's really strange. Feels as if islamic stuff is forbidden now and everyone who mentions it is crossing a line.
  20. A new HD version of Metal Gear Solid or Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes? I wonder if they will release a HD HD HD version in 5 years.
  21. The project has been simply too big for them and you can see this pretty much all over the game.
  22. Yay, bought DK. Even though I have it on CD. But I am too lazy to touch the CD.
  23. So in the end, users will need to install 123145234234234 additional programs to play games. :>
  24. Are there any screenshots available for the hair styles? I don't want to wait until the patch is out and until I am home and until I can visit a barber. :> /Edit: lolwat?
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