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Everything posted by Lexx

  1. Well, it's shait if quest docs and story details are leaked. I surely know that I won't read that stuff before the game is out.
  2. You never played the german version of HL.
  3. Back when I was younger, I was happy when we had shooter games in which you didn't had robots as enemies. Robot Soldiers of Fortune 2 was hilarious. The robots in Half-Life at least looked a bit more like they could exist in the setting. It took me years to figure out that there wasn't a cyborg war going on in the original Command & Conquer games. True story.
  4. Apparently CD Projekt Red's Google drive got hacked.
  5. I am currently reading The Orenda by Joseph Boyden. At first I was highly confused, but now it is growing quite strong on me. Also it's pretty much my first big (~500 pages) english book since ever.
  6. It isn't. That's hawt female thread, not hawt Bowie thread, remember.
  7. David Bowie had. He was most pretty. But to not derail more, which I love to right now, coz I am bored as fork...
  8. u so trend setter. Now get a new haircut. Maybe a cool mullet or something.
  9. I remember years ago, I said "the hair cut on one side only is super cool" and everyone was like "lolwat no way dis so bad" and now it is becoming the Zeitgeist. Sidecuts can be seen more and more in my area recently. Even school kids < 17 years run around like that. What happened?
  10. It really is better to wait for the full release, imo. Not because the game is bad right now, but because it really sucks when you get to the end of the beta and then have to wait a few months for the rest.
  11. Would be more funny if it wouldn't be so true.
  12. Man, that GTAV PC version will look pretty good.
  13. I never finished TW2 with the Iorveth play through, to be honest. I started it for the third time since release, but I just find it extremely hard to get motivated in that chapter 2. All the caves and paths and stuff, I find it so extremely annoying. I really want to play through this, but damn... The Roche path was not such a pain for me.
  14. Heh, that stuff works. Had to disable DoF because it was horrible, but other than that I didn't noticed a worse performance.
  15. The maddest man. When TW2 came out, I actually liked Geralt the most with his default TW2 hair. Now that I am replaying it, somehow I became a huge fan of the undercut-style. Never liked the loose hair, because it looked so fake / stiff to me. Now that I am thinking about it, are there any hair mods for TW1? Might start to play it again, if I can change Geralts appearance.
  16. Was this posted already? There's some new gameplay stuff at the beginning. It's not much, but looks p.cool, imo. Though, I am sure you can create similar looking enviroments already with the Witcher 2 RedKit, if you are skilled with shaders and environmental lightning.
  17. Still doing Rome 2. Played a while as Macedon, now doing a Athens campaign again.
  18. Oh god, let's post some red (brown?) hair-ish woman. She has the same eye color as me, by the way. That means we will be close some day. I know it.
  19. Started watching Crow's Zero, because people said it's good. After half of it I kicked it out. Can't remember when I've seen something this stupid the last time.
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