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Everything posted by Lexx

  1. Not sure if Ukraine would even agree to that. As far as I am aware, they still want to take back their lost territory.
  2. The current launch time is set for monday. Let's hope there won't be any scrubbing.
  3. Since House of the Dragon s1 was not the disaster that I feared it would be, I'm now not repulsed by another GoT spin-off anymore.
  4. Supernatural was good until the season 5 finale, where it was officially supposed to end. Everything after that just went downhill. By some miracle I was able to slowly grind up to season 11, but then just stopped in the middle and never bothered again. Not surprised the new show might not be much better. /Edit: Just watched the trailer. Looks terrible. Also really, really odd that they didn't involve the Sam-actor, what's his name.
  5. There is just one point that irks me a bit - "they never had the money to build a road network" .. maybe they would have, with less corruption and shoveling all that money into their yachts and palaces.
  6. Some video that I watched yesterday talked about it. Can't remember which one it was tho.
  7. And apparently season 2 will only have 4 episodes and be the shows finale. If it were super successful, I doubt they'd do this.
  8. "Europe must resist pressure to become ‘America’s followers,’" bruh, we are america's followers for 70something years.
  9. Apparently the leaks are barely anything. Just some numbers about KIA and a map. Funny though, apparently someone photoshopped the KIA numbers on the photos to show less dead on russia side and way more dead on ukraine side. Saw the before and after photos, and you really need to smoke a lot of copium to believe the fake.
  10. That guy looks familiar. Wasn't he involved in some crap already just a few months ago? With his wife or something?
  11. Damn that's quite the grave that got digged up here.
  12. Only thing that bugs me is the single camel idle animation which seems to be playing for each critter at the same time.
  13. I had no strong opinion about ME3, except for the ending. Other than that I quite enjoyed it. Truth told, I don't remember much, but at least I don't remember hating it.
  14. Funny, this kinda sounds like the Followers of the Apocalypse in Fallout. They pretty much did the same thing - starting with reading and studying in a library, to offering medical services.
  15. Worst part of ME1 is the loot progression. Swapping your gun every 100m for the same gun in a different color with +1 better stats is NOT fun. Especially not in that terrible inventory.
  16. I really want to watch Reservation Dogs, but it's only on Disney (I think), and I don't want to give them money.
  17. [x] Doubt. Besides, "we don't negotiate with terrorists" - the moment you give in and say "let's not prosecute him, because it will start a civil war", you have already lost.
  18. Or Harvey Weinstein didn't had enough stuff to blackmail powerful people with. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  19. Even if rich people go to jail, they likely won't go to the same place as us lowly peasants.
  20. This guy and his friends belong into jail for years already.
  21. "Now, the group is holed up on one of her follower’s properties in Nova Scotia, apparently building a compound. " Why are all those nutjob groups building a compound in Nova Scotia. Few years ago there was a story about german right wingers trying to establish a presence in Nova Scotia as well.
  22. They likely wouldn't give a crap since it isn't illegal to have that name. The issue is that children are **** and they will bully that child without mercy.
  23. Started watching that one last year. Made it to 5 or 6 episodes, I think. Thought it was very.. cliche and somewhat cringe. I'd rather keep watching k-piano dramas.
  24. Another reason for me not to buy Diablo 4. They already want 70 bucks for the game, and then still try to fleece me for more. No thanks, it's too big of a turn-off for me.
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