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Everything posted by Lexx

  1. The beginning of that season actually floored me in a way. It was so different and more tense than before. But yeah, by now it's like it has fallen back to the old TWD ways, which is a real damn shame. This could have become so much more... Well, one episode left to go for this season... and yeah, the sudden appearance of the villain is very... ehhh. As if someone realized, damn, how the heck do we end this season?
  2. So Fear the walking dead is getting stupid again. Why the hell do people get bitten in places that are covered in thick clothes? It's just so stupid. And you never see it happening, it's always later "oh look, somehow this zombie got through the clothes even though we saw them fight and nobody reached that area." Would have been a nice twist if that bitten guy would have turned out to be immune. Now that could have led the story to some new, fresher grounds. Shame we probably never see something like that.
  3. I'm just posting so you don't have to double- or quadruple-post anymore.
  4. Sounds pretty stupid to me. Humans would easily turn this into a hunting / sports game and soon the dinosaurs would be gone again.
  5. I guess they thought the fans will buy it anyway, just because of franchise X... turns out this isn't how it works.
  6. Sure was perfect with all the locked and trapped containers on every corner, or the ever repeating, boring and tedious combat encounters on the worldmap, or the rather linear story in the second half of the game, or how you were spamming the perception skill at all times... I'm too lazy right now to think of more things that had been damn near perfect.
  7. Well, it's not the only issue I had with it. I've also lol'd when they said "Wakanda über alles!" (Wakanda above everything) ... that's some very third reich thing to say. :D Still, the breaking of the formation is so painful to watch. They were fighting furious melee enemies, there really was no reason to do any such thing. Imagine the ancient romans charging into barbarian hordes instead of using their famous testudo or any other shield wall formation... I'm guessing history would look a lot different then.
  8. Don't remind me of this scene. I've face palmed waaay too hard when they gave up their formation and just rushed at the enemy. This was just too dumb.
  9. Turns out, this last Avengers movie was actually pretty good. I didn't fell asleep at all, and generally it was quite captive. /edit: But this Wakanda stuff is still super stupid and I just can't take it serious.
  10. Still Wasteland 2 has or had a truckton of problems that make me not wanting to replay it ever again.
  11. For me it simply was their style of games. TWD S1 was ok, TWD S2 already bored me so much, I never finished it. Also the graphic style was pretty much always the same, etc. etc. Just didn't worked that well on me.
  12. Finally the testicles are animated. It's the one thing I absolutely hated in the first game. These stiff, non-animated horse balls! Thanks to the future.
  13. Well, Angry Joe said you're ranking up a super high kill count in the new Tomb Raider game.
  14. That's why Fargo said he buys Interplay if this game sells a couple million copies. Sure as hell won't happen. :>
  15. Maybe they don't want to completely remove capitalism, but help setting up limitations and regulations... but I guess that wouldn't fit the black and white narrative, dunno.
  16. To me this sounds like the same excuse we use when our drivers have to stop their tour because of time issues.
  17. Now I am even more confused. Satsuma and Choshu were apparently anti-western, but it doesn't look like that in the game. There even was that one pro-emperor faction that starts out with western trade routes. So I pretty much played the campaign wrong, because I've constantly developed pro-western. :D Now that might explain why my people were so pissy all the time. /edit: Ok, it seems they wanted to use western technology to drive out westerners from Japan. Still quite hypocritical, imo.
  18. Its a very easy game, but fun too. There was a lot of grousing over lack of unit variety, but combat AI is so pitiful anyhow it can't utilize variety. AI felt pretty normal for a Total War game. :D What causes me most trouble now is the constant harassment over endless rebels and enemy spy attacks. So annoying. Anyway, as someone who has exactly zero knowledge of Japanese history, I felt a bit confused... So apparently this is what happened: Civil war, Shogun rises, 200 years of lockdown and more or less peace. Then westerners arrive and force Japan to open up. The Shogun agrees... but now some people are pissed and want to remove the Shogun to get the Emperor back... and they do so with allying to the westerners??? Do they realize the irony in this or did I misunderstood something?
  19. Played some Total War - Shogun 2 - Fall of the Samurai yesterday. It's quite fun actually, but I finished the main campaign objective in 6 hours and I've never played Shogun (2) before.
  20. For me, Honest Hearts is still the best DLC, despite the plenty flaws. I'd probably put Lonesome Road as second, even though it's the one I've only finished twice or so.
  21. The struggle of priorities.
  22. I use the energy ax to grind through the enemies in Old World Blues. It always felt more effective than any gun, especially against the robots.
  23. The problem isn't "working to improve their characters". It's the unreasonable amount of time you have to spend on it. It's boring and tedious on purpose, to make you spend real money and skip this crap.
  24. Sapkowski doesn't give a **** about any this stuff if the money is right. I remember he only raged about the Witcher games, because he screwed himself over with selling the licenses for comparably little money to CD Project back when nobody cared. He probably assumed the games wouldn't lead to anywhere important.
  25. I guess that's why america needs war so much. Nothing else keeps it together as much as a common enemy.
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