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Everything posted by Undecaf

  1. Jagged Alliance: Back in Action trailer doesn't really give away anything, but TPP action and a smiling Cuban looking officer Dunno if it's been posted already, though.
  2. Just you wait for the happy/angry faces. I have a gut feeling, those will still look priceless.
  3. 30 minutes of gameplay footage: Heavily narrated by Dugas and some IGN guy. Interesting watch.
  4. Detailed normals made few rocks appear higher res, but that's about it. I don't use any gameplayaltering mods, just trying to toy around with these few graphical changes to make the game feel a bit fresher. So nothing should need the NVSE. I'll try to reinstall the game tomorrow and see if I can get them working. If not, I give up with mods -- it's not so much that the game needs them, but it would've been nice to have some added visual flavor for the next runthrough (still have the NCR and Yes Man to go). Thanks for the tips, though.
  5. FOMM didn't do any good a month ago, so I don't have it now (got frustrated back then and got rid of all things related to mods). Was practically the same with ArchiveInvalidationInvalidated.
  6. Agreed. Somehow all that sounds exquisitely bland.
  7. I did that. I have no idea why nothing works. A month ago I tried to install the detailed normals and MTUI... detailed normals didn't work, and MTUI worked briefly until I reloaded. After that, no mod has worked but the imaginator-something (whose features I didn't enable, since they weren't that appealing).
  8. I like those: http://newvegasnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=38196 http://www.newvegasnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=38285 http://www.newvegasnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=34971 http://www.newvegasnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=35497 http://www.newvegasnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=41974 I suck at these things. I can't get the interfacemod to work at all, the detailed normals only seem to apply to some rocks, the weapon retextures don't seem to apply at all, and the skymod works sometimes and sometimes just resets to the default. What am I doing wrong? I followed the installation instruction.... repeatedly after them not working the first time. But nothing happens.
  9. nevermind... misread...
  10. Guess they had an audience afterall.
  11. Postal 3. Rated W for What the f*ck were they thinking?
  12. Same here. Also, the constant rusty darkness which initially created a nice eerie atmosphere, wore off and turned pretty tedious well before the DLC ended. Good thing it wasn't longer than it was.
  13. There's a key you have to press to make the graphics in DK go from this low rez, pixel city crud to something better, but for the life of me I can't remember what it is. Press Alt-R.
  14. Well great, another series ****ed. Aww, ****. And here I was having high hopes for it.
  15. Wow, it took them 2 games to make him gay. I gotta commend them on their self control, as i'm sure that the Phoenix armor was scrapped from an earlier gayer design and they are only making Shepard as the writers intended on the first place. Really BW is taking this gay friendly thing a bit too far. The ball is rolling. No more sexes left. Mass Effect 4 will include romancable quadrupeds and molluscs.
  16. Just finished my second run on F:NV. Have to finish reruns of Deus Ex and VtMB. Starting Gothic 2 and ToEE soon (though they'll get put on hold next tuesday).
  17. it's flippin' amazing. if you liked Icewind Dale, you'll love ToEE. the beginning is a bit slow, but once your party levels up a couple of times, you won't stop until the game's over. you do need community patches. google "Circle of 8" or "Co8". it fixes a lot of issues, making the game a bit harder in the process. they're not mandatory, but a lot of people have issues with the game without them, so to be on the safe side install them IWD was decent. Not a major incline, but I didn't get bored with it. If ToEE is about as good otherwise, I think the TB combat (of which I've heard good things about) can compensate a bit for the lack of writing other people have mentioned as being bad. Thanks for the tip, I'll get the Co8 and see what it does.
  18. Finished my preload too. A steady 2000kb/s and about an hour and a half. I don't think I've ever downloaded anything this big so fast. Picked Gothic 2, Baldurs gate 2 and Temple of Elemental Evil as the bonuses. And about ToEE... What am I to expect? Is it any good, all I know about it is what the GoG page tells and some hearsay from here and there? And as a Troika game, does it need community patches - and if yes, where can I get those?
  19. Jason Bergman just posted some info on the next patch at Bethboards:
  20. Hopefully it will be. That thing in the clip wasn't. Well, I might've mixed things up with the difficultysettings then... I was almost sure I had read from somewhere that there's only one setting.
  21. Like the highlighting items, the health regen caught my eye as something that hopefully isn't just like that in the end product. Some tension is already removed with a system like that because, if my memory serves, there's only one general difficulty level. Other than those two things, it looks fine to me - and like someone already said, a bit Alpha Protocolish.
  22. GOTY
  23. I use a spittoon and tissues. Much cleaner drooling.
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