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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Malcador


    Bold as Love (Instrumental) Relaxing tune. Kinda wish I had some talent
  2. Ah, that was such a good show. Gaming snobs make Carmack sad
  3. I feel for your liver. Another pointless day at work here. I may spice it up by using a different pen today!
  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iQwppPeiD2k NSFW text. His 'NOOOOOO' was pretty much me at the Carling Cup final
  5. Quiet, you mouthpiece of the Illuminati.
  6. Didn't Cameron's aide recently die at a concert, that was also not suspicious ? Spooky.
  7. Seeing that old Westwood logo makes me sad. So, how about derailment.
  8. Never played that (that's my project for the weekend then!), but does sound like something they'd give the Atreides.
  9. I never said that I willfully ignore the games, but carry on as you do best.
  10. The logo is cool though. Everyone likes eagles.
  11. Hm, police corruption is a big part of all this, isn't it ?
  12. Y'know GDI doesn't really have a cool slogan. I mean Nod's got "Peace through Power!" and "In the name of Kane". GDI's got nothing, well 'cept double barreled tanks and satellite cannons
  13. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-14194623 Well that was random.
  14. Suffering in this heat, well when I'm outside. Pretty unbearable in my house too, upper floor gets disgustingly hot, damn lack of airflow. Supposed to be 35 C later this week, before humidity. Hmph. Other than, usual spacing out at work.
  15. Hey now, that was uncalled for
  16. Huh neat, GOG now was Normality, well ok, they put it out a couple days ago. Fun little adventure game. Their hidden gems promotion hasn't yielded anything particularly appealing of late, though.
  17. Yeah, you're drowning out the enlightened discussions.
  18. Should probably get DS3. Maybe when it's dirt cheap on a Steam sale. Not feeling bad about not buying it just because it's OE
  19. ArmA 2 OA. Mostly screwing around with the editor, have to learn how to design proper missions, rather than attempts at giant battles. Learning the scripting features is pretty cool too, luckily good bunch of documentation online.
  20. So what was the big deal about this guy again ? Cool though, burying his heart in a different place.
  21. 36 C outside so I'm staying indoors and loathing going back to work.
  22. Read Gibson, take stuff from all his novels, profit. !
  23. Well, sucks for you then.
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