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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Will have to make a note of that approach.
  2. *yawn* Also, GOG now has OpFlash - well rebranded as ArmA:CWC.
  3. Watched The Bank Job. Decent-ish heist film
  4. I liked this track from Tropico 4 -
  5. Friend referred to me to http://www.spoj.pl/ so I'm using that to pass time
  6. You put too much faith in them.
  7. Why are you so negative ?
  8. I think those were done in the SE. The SE already had a fair bit of fluff to that, they pass the giant beast of burden, I think it pans to show the town, has a lot more people shuffling about, etc.
  9. Well there is - sort of, you have to find the doctors cause one of them is your ex-girlfriend/someone you care about, then it's urgent to save the augmented people from zombification. The transhumanist stuff was done as well as I was expecting it to be. The conspiracy wasn't that bad, Hyron Project just kind of pops up though, did Darrow know Zhao was down there and planning to hijack everyone though ?
  10. Another exceptionally wonderful commute packed in like sardines in a streetcar with heavily cologned folk. Although did see why you shouldn't antagonize crazy homeless people, one was ranting near some suits at a bus stop, some suit decides to mock the guy to his face and got punched for it, ahh people in this city. Sadly didn't see how the brawl ended though.
  11. Should probably look for a digital copy of the original VHS release back, or the Special Editions. I had wondered what Lucas screwed around with this time around, heh, he must be trolling his fans.
  12. So the Star Wars ads were added in a recent patch or something ?
  13. Also the GL if you can get it makes things pretty easy.
  14. Never involved in fraternity due to living off campus and generally avoiding other students (woot enginering), but for the most part they just had normal parties and get togethers, nothing fancy or exotic from the people I knew who were part of one. Agree on the networking benefit though, so it's a useful tool.
  15. I dunno, they could mentally haze you. Although not sure how without violating #2 (well and some laws no doubt, I imagine psychological torture or attempts at it are illegal).
  16. A mere 9 hours until Monday, joy. Wasting the morning watching the dogs and trolling English football fans - amazing bunch of xenophobe dregs they are - but now that that's done my plan is to motivate myself to do work tomorrow. May pay a friend to jab me with a stick every 10 minutes.
  17. Who knew a cell phone ringing in a lecture is so offensive. Then again, cell reception in the lecture halls I've been in were nil so I guess that's why it wasn't an issue as much, heh.
  18. Watching Transformers with the fan commentary. Damn these are some hardcore nerds.
  19. Just another day, except it's just personal tasks rather than corporate master tasks Messed up my own dreams by watching JCS and reading a 40k artbook, ended up dreaming I was some sort of Christian Space Marine, ah well, beats the ones about work I suppose. Had fun at the dentist, now it's back to cleaning up.
  20. Now it will only get worse from here on out.
  21. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-14960214
  22. Nice gimmick.
  23. Nice weekend of work in EVE, hitting up a C3 in W-space. Waiting for my corp mate to wake up as he has all the POS parts and fuel, blah.
  24. Spending the morning trolling football fans, easy targets though.
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