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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Cain books are pretty funny, think a new one is due out soon. Got Old Man's War and the following three books, so that'll tide me over for a month maybe. Should also finish off the Mars trilogy, but after Green Mars it's getting tiresome.
  2. What they're going to break each act into a game, or something like that ?
  3. http://www.rockpapershotgun.com/2011/09/23...francois-dugas/ Also the DLC will have a boss fight.
  4. Seems everyone is getting sick, back to school I guess. Sixth coworker's come down with it, I did yesterday as well, bleh. Mind you coworkers sneezing all over the place probably helps the virus spread
  5. Soon there'll be the US-Voltronistani war.
  6. Pfft, these morons up here are just as bad as Americans, yet cling to some imagined superiority.
  7. Finishing facerolling my way to victory in Tropico 3. Then I suppose I'll knock off stuff I've got "backlogged" like HoMM3.
  8. Ah well that's different than being blunt. Somewhat like me, actually, luckily I transmit disdain as boredom at work so most people think I'm unenthusiastic, heh. Sounds like she just needs to lighten up a bit, nothing too major. Client facing work involves far too much BS for my liking but eh have to do the needful. As for meeting a woman, well long ago my mom realized that wasn't going to happen, so no pressure from the parents on that. Being single does advantages though, lot more free time and money. Although it does have the disadvantage of not having someone to assist in a medical emergency.
  9. That's pretty neat of your sister to be honest. One of the better guys at work is like that, I aspire to reach his level of bluntness. May come across as harsh I guess, but you just need to HTFU. Having a rather decent day, going to try to get my chores done then I can read/study a bit. Apparently people have a 'plan' for their life, too. So will look into making one of those.
  10. That made me chuckle, for some reason.
  11. A bit much to go from "no telling people how to dress" to "CHAOS!!!!"
  12. True, maybe we should just hang out naked to avoid suspicion. Would help in the battle against obesity. Death by frostbite might be a negative though.
  13. TA. Forgot how good it is.
  14. The joys of being happily single, at least listening to the married and otherwise attached guys in the office grousing today. Finally got a copy of Old Man's War too, so those 4 books should give me something to do for the next week or so, huzzah. Other than that, truly unproductive day.
  15. Likewise with a jacket.
  16. Remember it could always be worse, you could be dead. That helps me get through the work day.
  17. It's easy. They don't think. Bunch of trogolodytes. *nod*
  18. Yep, I agree. But a bunch of reviews slating it fed to parrots, what can you do.
  19. Too expensive ?
  20. Hm, might as well get them, even if I'll never play them.
  21. Dog looks evil with the red eye. My dachshund can't compare, although he's a God complex. I do miss my uncle's German Shepherd. Dog used to love to make people scream in terror, would rush and then stop at the last moment. Did that to my younger cousin who wet himself, the dog noticed then wagged his tail and skipped off.
  22. Nahh, just an example of what not to do.
  23. Well, a bit different in development. And promotions only happen here when the person ahead resigns, . Why I'm the "senior" on the team, they have no one else. Kind of like "When Trumpets Fade" in here, hmm.
  24. who'd want to play it when their two latest releases - ArmA 2 Combined Ops - cost 11-20 euro... Well maybe they want to see what they missed. The latest iteration isn't always all there is Speaking of GOG, again. They have a Q&A with Zurovec of Crusader fame
  25. Or they figure you're just settling for something while you keep looking. That comes up when the managers are blabbing on about why they shouldn't hire someone. Woke up late, so got a good sleep. I apparently SHOULD go to work, but am trying to time it right so I arrive late enough.
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