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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Well at this point it's rather redundant, but condolences to Enoch.
  2. Hm, not sure about kidnapping being much harder. Back home, they abduct anyone that looks like they're not poor pretty much - they're transitioning into just killing them now, heh. Is interesting to think about what they'd do once their drug running isn't as lucrative anymore.
  3. It would be fun to see the US military unleashed on a cartel.
  4. Wonder what it is the Japanese have with robots. The Alpha Dog is neat from a controls systems POV, wonder how well that'd do in military service.
  5. Hah, yeah it is. I keep doing it though, was drilled into me by mom when she was teaching me to type (and the way to properly space a letter as well). Today has sucked, I can understand why all the guys working here drink so much.
  6. Found this funny - http://www.petapixel.com/2011/10/04/an-eye...xel+(PetaPixel) Reminded of another article I read where the IDF and Palestinians would meet every day at an arranged time to protest some olive farm. The IDF would let the Palestinians throw rocks, hurl abuse, etc for the press for 15 mins or so, then the IDF would take the stage and tear gas them, shove them around, etc. then they'd end it.
  7. Broken Sword 2 still, fun game although worried about it being short based on being 10% done when I left the first room. Also playing FIFA 12, finally getting my defense in order - sure I have to play with 2 DMs and have them mark the strikers because the CBs are even more useless than in 11 it seems - but it's helping.
  8. You can turn off the seeing through walls on a 'hardcore' difficulty setting.
  9. You can't punch shadows, you know.
  10. Doesn't look too bad, the new voice sucks even though he says all of three words, heh. Amazing how good old wood is for blocking rifle and pistol rounds too.
  11. And probably more useful - Hitman Absolution 16 min playthrough
  12. On the FB page for Bioware -
  13. Remembered I have tomorrow off, so luckily no need for me to wake up at 12:05 trying to find a shirt and pants to iron.
  14. Does it involve tremendous amounts of self-perpetuation paperwork ?
  15. Some reason I watched Hair. Yeah...wow. At least the ending made me laugh, sort of a Outer Limits 'haw haw' ending.
  16. Having a really clumsy weekend, almost fell down the stairs, twisted my ankle and today went shopping and forgot two things on the list. Feh.
  17. Broken Sword 2 with some EVE and FIFA 12 in between.
  18. Maybe we can set up an FTP so we can share the files easily that way.
  19. Somehow I don't think an FPS is suited to exploring the emotional aspect of war, at least to a noticeable degree. Attempts to do it would be somewhat interesting/funny, though.
  20. I do want one piece of military gear, they have nice winter jackets I hear.
  21. Sat out on the front step with the dachshund and enjoyed the cool morning.
  22. Hey don't feel too bad, could be worse, you could be like this guy
  23. Hm, needed more explosions.
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