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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Was fun playing DOW2, took me an amusingly amount of time to get it going due to the need to 1) login to Windows Live 2) Update Live 3) Create a Gamertag.
  2. Not a big fan of the unlocks nonsense in MP, at least in BFBC2, but it does give people a sense of 'progression' apparently. Now Tribes was the best, looking forward to Ascend.
  3. What is it you kids say these days ? 'Cool story, bro' ?
  4. Giving Arcanum a break. Talking to people and comments here have led to me a sense of hopelessness on my first playthrough. Going back to Dawn of War 2, going to try to make a different squad (and use Thaddeus more often).
  5. Another day of chores and getting crap ready for another fun week at work! Also United got raped at home, Arsenal won, so a nice positive start
  6. Studied C# today, woo. Generally un-enraging day so that's a plus. Now I have to go fetch fried chicken for the mother, weird too, fried chicken places always have the seediest, greasiest looking people. Second only to West Indian food places, at least.
  7. Well, you answered your own question Was more of a joke on MMOGs being work rather than play.
  8. Heh, you all should play EVE
  9. Interesting amount of stuff, wonder how quality the statue actually is.
  10. How do you mean? Surely Libya is the only one which got a new government? Was more thinking along the lines that the others didn't need NATO.
  11. So what's not good about it ?
  12. Will suck for Libya when all the Arab Spring countries get compared, heh.
  13. This DLC is GOTY! Have to get it when the bandwidth quota resets, I guess.
  14. Hm, that's pretty good.
  15. So what do they do in Europe if you rob a grocery store ? Wikipedia has "On January 1, 2008 more than 1 in 100 adults in the United States was in prison or jail. In 2008 approximately one in every 31 adults (7.3 million) in the United States was behind bars, or being monitored (probation and parole)." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Incarceration...e_United_States
  16. Don't they execute executives in China for stuff like this ? Well even if they don't, not a bad idea, no ?
  17. Errr...aff. Wonder how this will go in China.
  18. Never understood people's desire to play Pandas in WoW. Ah well
  19. Those evil Americans...
  20. Pretty much this, but not likely he'll do it.
  21. Oh give me a break, get distracted in one meeting, not an immense deal. And I do the required, engage in banal chit chat, laugh at the senior guy's jokes (although need to work on making it more sycophantic) , and be pleasant, etc. etc. (Although I must say, talking to different bosses and then they ask 'How are you doing?' is just a waste of time, heh). Sadly being a real all out team player here is drinking, hm.
  22. Hah, nahh. Was a little knife though, watching the light on the blade was more interesting than listening to patronizing BS like "We've reached our goals for this week, great job everyone!" or informing us about a patch release we all already know about, etc. Ain't corporate existence great?
  23. Well, that's good to know, heh. Ah well, will keep on playing in vain! Right now having fun farming assassins for leather armour (stocking bullets is a pain though).
  24. Playing with a knife is unacceptable behaviour in a meeting, I've been told.
  25. Ah, if only an SAS team had hunted him down.
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