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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Well that doesn't sound too promising for tarna. Wish him good luck.
  2. Hm, how exactly ? And anyway, is a pro-British bias a good thing ?
  3. Got Arcanum and TA off GOG, so will be doing that.
  4. I laugh at Muslamic ray guns. Also some stuff about the 40k MMOG - http://www.warseer.com/forums/showthread.p...558#post5839558
  5. Booted for corruption ?
  6. Possibly, but I won't hold hope that suddenly combat wil become exciting and fun from that
  7. Imperial Agent looks good for a start.
  8. Ah, the things people do for money.
  9. Finished off Broken Sword 2, that was fun. Now I've nothing to play, probably will go back to Civ 4 or Rebellion for time killing.
  10. You will be disappointed. I'll give it a go as a bunch of friend/acquaintances are going to as well, although they're all PST..hmm.
  11. Am a bit sad to hear Dennis Ritche passed away this weekend, always liked C as a language (and he was a big part of UNIX).
  12. Nice to see you're picky, heh. If I get this, going to get it in a box. 30 Gig download and my ISP's quota, nuh uh.
  13. Funnily I don't think mine has changed. Used to be a lot more unfriendlier in the past, but the writing's remained constant.
  14. The companion idea is interesting, aside from the romances or whatever the hell it is. So far description from friends in beta has been it's very WoW-like but quite polished, the space combat is awful but the storyline is quite enjoyable for a MMORPG. Any of you people going to play this ?
  15. I'm still doubtful Iran was behind it at all.
  16. Reading your old posts ? How narcissistic! Today I think I'll start looking for a new job.
  17. That's one crappy unit obeying orders on how they feel about you.
  18. Congrats to him on the new job.
  19. ME3 MP details
  20. I'm failing to see the issue here, heh.
  21. Peer pressure ? Ah, Gifted beat me to it.
  22. Well, pretty much a good summation of id's games.
  23. Well, you know what Carmack said about storylines in games.
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