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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Wow that's pretty vile.
  2. It's a bit bull**** that you even have to do this though - in the example just submit when they assault you for no reason - as how the hell do you know they're not a cop or are just gone insane and trying to defend yourself is fairly natural. Again, a problem with approach, where too many watched NYPD Blue or something. Funnier still is the cops just say 'Sorry' and shrug it off when really they should be publicly dismissed and shamed for deciding a violent takedown when they have bad ID was a good idea. But you are right though, when some meshback cop decides to take you down, you'd might as well submit. See the G20 in Toronto for cops doing shady things. Ignore 'rioters' wrecking Yonge street, rough up people sitting down when clearing Queen's Park, run their detention center like something out of WW2 Japan or even silly **** like rustling people walking a block from the secure zone. That and the convenient loss of records, saying that the victim of an assault is unreliable as he couldn't tell who was beating him, etc. etc.
  3. That is pretty cool, they should make their goal. Always liked the story of Sierra.
  4. I still don't get hate PMs. I guess I need to be more snide.
  5. Hm, a hive mind here, I don't know. Generally it's wishy-washy "I like their games but they do have silly stuff" for the most part. Maybe I am not looking closely. Or have a higher threshold for hatred
  6. And the Syrian army can't crush these fools ?
  7. If I recall he was physically tackled, not everyone is as compliant as you when that happens I guess. It is somewhat understandable to be a tad annoyed at being roughed up by people too dumb to actually ID you. Did remind me of this funny case http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/story/2010/01/21/bc-vpd-alleged-assault-yao-wei-wu.html
  8. This place isn't all that suitable for it, really. Too nice.
  9. Resisting arrest, maybe ? They jumped a guy thinking he was some other guy, he understandably took exception and struggled a bit and slapped him with that. I assume a judge chucked that out though.
  10. Probably only difference is the number of bullets they'd put in you But that is a good point, I imagine corruption or quality would vary between PDs.
  11. Testbed for the Space gun that Bull fellow was working on before he got himself killed by Mossad/CIA/KGB/Iraqis/MI6. 16 inch US Navy gun modified. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_HARP
  12. Not my photo, but still pretty cool. HARP gun in Barbados
  13. They were risking what exactly in this situation, though ? The guy doesn't want them in his house, and there's no war or gun battle raging that makes his house critical to lives. Public servants for you, I guess.
  14. A dustbin maybe for all the effect they have, really. Here, they've lost 8-12 days pay for various things like drinking on the job, intimidating people with their badge, sexually harassing coworkers, citizens. Which really seems like a limp slap on the wrist. Then again this is the RCMP...
  15. Oh, I don't work FOR a bank I work with them. Supply them with software that helps them rule the world, etc. etc. They treat their staff like crap, I can't imagine having to put up with people screeching at you constantly without being able to punch/stab/poison them.
  16. Playing Deponia is still tricky for me as I'm not really a fan of the protagonist, but must soldier on. Been fiddling with Arma 2 trying to make an interesting mission for myself. Is quite tricky to make civilians behave as desired under fire - i.e. get to the chopper - or choppers behave as desired as well. Though in both cases running/flying in direct gunfire is ill advised. AI sure is mean though, watching a firefight and a T-72 decided that the main gun would be useful to take out three riflemen
  17. Nice boring Friday, though I find it funny the coffee date (appointment ?) I have is on the hottest day this week. Also this smog is still here, looks pretty horrible from up here - and the weather guys said this would blow out on Tuesday *snort* Is funny to see how our customers work, lucky things banks have money to burn with departments warring with each other or clueless people just collecting 6 figures.
  18. Cops can't think of a plan B ? Interesting reaction from you, expected as much.
  19. Based on their gang like behaviour (it is funny that people believe complaints go anywhere with the cops), I can't see why, but not a surprise I suppose. But good to know you know some good cops as well, for all that is worth. I know a couple of cops too, were the typical meathead ginos in high school - scary that they give these guys guns. As for 'us vs them', well police referring to citizens as 'civilians' is a sign they're ok with it or have themselves deluded to believe they are military. And also NA cops seem to have some problems in comprehending on how to de-escalate situations or not flex constantly.
  20. Needlessly spraying people with pepper spray and that's all eh ? No point being snarky just because I think that to those much is given, much is expected. What kind of fascists do you work for ?!
  21. UC Davis cop just lost his job, as near as a quick Google revealed - no charges against him. Cops losing their jobs over allegations, well I'll have to see that to believe it. And the dad that arrested the boyfriend for his BS reasoning should have lost his job, not just a suspension.
  22. Used to use the Civilopedia as a first source in high school Ancient Civ, and I think some people used AoE to demonstrate Thermopylae. Heh, good times. Course you could do something like that now, though not much benefit really.
  23. So the occasional heavy handedness and superior attitude is just a-ok to you then ? Nice to get such leeway due to 'bad' working conditions. People expecting 'clean cut' of those given weapons and powers over them isn't that ridiculous. That case of the cop rustling his daughter's boyfriend was pretty funny, I think a handful of here were ok with that because well he's a parent.
  24. Well, good to see he'll learn from his experience.
  25. Calax, you don't know what he had to deal with man. And they probably called him a pig.
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