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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. http://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum/showthread.php?752560-Mount-and-Blade-leaving-the-Paradox-stables-heading-out-on-new-adventures
  2. ME2 should have been about finding the Crucible with your team of badasses with family issues. Course not sure what 3 would be then, I guess you just running around getting the other races on board
  3. So you don't gamble on projects with male only protagonists ? If they can allow me to be an unscrupulous banker, I'm in.
  4. Think he meant the jabs at Chilloutman, caves and all, etc.
  5. Well you'd want both in the end, the option to choose and for the character to be equal. You'd be kicking up a fuss if the female option meant a weaker character or a harder time of things, no ?
  6. I rarely put anything with sense. Though, this is could be a clever idea to exploit these types. Add stretch goals that appeal to them, get money for it, and the money doesn't have to the actual cost of that item.
  7. Teaching a coworker why you never leave a box of cookies on your desk unguarded. Well that and he said we could have them
  8. Yes it can, he's talking about a past period. You can argue him being wrong on that, but not really seeing where he's stating women are inferior in that. Hee hee.
  9. http://www.pcgamer.com/2014/01/30/ccp-issue-final-battle-report-on-eve-onlines-most-destructive-battle-will-erect-permanent-memorial Dust up in EVE
  10. That's it for 'much better' ?
  11. Sounds like a John Ringo book
  12. Not to buy cheap Chinese no name brand winter tires. Oh, well buying cheap no name anything isn't that good. Today I got a new headset as the amount of dead skin and other crud on my current ones finally did it. Got a PC 310, nothing amazing but will hold me over until I get some fancy G35 or some other $200 beast.
  13. Wait, so you're saying to not buy winter tires ? I keep hearing otherwise.
  14. Deus Ex looks like it's going to be up there for some time with the purchasing, 2:09 as of now
  15. http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2014-01-29-funcom-under-investigation-offices-closed Funcom under investigation for insider trading
  16. Interesting read, but a bit scant on detail as one would expect. "Many soldiers enjoyed WW1", heh.
  17. Well when I started I decided making my own kingdom and making it slightly successful would be my end point in terms of satisfaction with the game. Was aware there's no victory condition or anything when starting so, just set a goal. Making way too much money now though
  18. So no change from his theatrical releases, then. Hm, John Travolta would have been cool in Under Siege
  19. Hard to change it on a company side unless all do. But it silly to see things cheaply made. But I guess the point is to not build something to last way, way longer than you expect it to be used but to build it for a reasonable time. I guess something the B-52 designers didn't do.
  20. Trying to finish off M&B. Rather amusing in my game that all the Vaegyir lords I started out with have defected (including my character's husband, who I've beaten up and imprisoned 2 times) but as a result the King loves me more than any other so I've got Curaw, Dhirim, Khudan and about 6 castles. I guess I'm sort of well staged for a coup, though taking nobles prisoner after defeat seems like it will hamper that
  21. Might & Magic going strong.
  22. Yep, Bioware fans are mental.
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