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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. So looks like France will take this.
  2. Moustafi is terrible
  3. Hm guess Germany is going nowhere again.
  4. Gahh jump Mertesacker
  5. Well to win so much and end it so sadly stings more than England's decades of decline.
  6. Honduras looks like they'll be the whipping boys of the group.
  7. Hm, doubt it did much for Iran in 98 or 06. Who knows.
  8. Should have let Giroud take the penalty
  9. Yay, Giroud scored. And then Matuidi.
  10. Debatable how much of a Group of Death it was, seems to be in reputation (kind of like Germany's. Portugal looked pretty shoddy and Ghana and US were uninspiring, with the former playing pretty brainless). Still, good for them, when they inevitably bend over England, it'll be even better.
  11. Hm, had picked Italy to take this group, guess I was wrong.
  12. http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x1zokjx_videogames?start=340 "Leak" of a behind-closed doors presentation.
  13. It's a technical position, while that is a tiny mistake it's a bit baffling for a fresh University graduate to screw that up. The most common misake on that question is just messing up the RPN and saying 8 times 2 not 12 times 8. Booked some time off today, so I have that look forward to help me drag myself through the work day.
  14. Weak technically, but was well spoken, seemed to be reasonably sharp. So I assume her math mistake was due to rushing. No hire though.
  15. Messi isn't a striker though, no?
  16. Interviewed a lady for work, on one test she calculated 12 x 8 as 60. Hrm.
  17. Gerrard thought he was on Liverpool.
  18. Great, they let Shrek score.
  19. Huh, coach really should not let that guy stay on
  20. Wasteful by Uruguay
  21. Thought the English love a physical game, guess they don't like it up 'em.
  22. La fleche noire strikes again
  23. Good counter. Those celebrations suck though
  24. Fun game, I enjoy the new rebel sides, for that price I'd recommend getting it.
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