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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Just because you are the Master Race, doesn't mean no one else needs it.
  2. Did I say it was a bad thing? Rather entertaining to watch the spats people get into, though passive aggressive jabs are disappointing.
  3. Until someone mentions Bioware.
  4. Always glad everyone here can be such **** to each other (though it is funny when the ones being that way are so annoyed with that behavior)
  5. Tsk, you poor bastard.
  6. If you're not interested, hand them a firm rejection.
  7. For that example 40k seems like uncreative thievery for most of the fluff rather than them trying to be clever.
  8. I thought the core problem with them was that it all just boiled down to "**** you, I got mine".
  9. Had a good laugh overhearing the waiter at lunch talking another patron and mentioning that in 1984, if one was snowed in their homes, they would be screwed without the technology of today. Waiter didn't look like he was of significant age back in 1984 either, heh. I guess a time before the Internet being widespread is hard to imagine.
  10. I think you dislike it as your kind is the target of it, rather than because of its quality. It should be almost passable as something produced from the one the attacker is trying to take the piss out of, but needs a bit of absurdity to give it a cutting edge - not a perfect example. Meshugger should have mentioned it needing a trigger warning though.
  11. Well done though, it made the thread a little more entertaining.
  12. Well, can see the argument that you're not responsible for them - if they want to go kill themselves, you're not under any obligation to help them. Is a decent thing to do, though I imagine the success rate at that might be pretty low if the person is a stranger.
  13. I can see a couple - Wenger as the one guy insisting on using lower cost gear that breaks all the time, Mourinho as the insufferable ass who blames everyone else.
  14. http://www.bbc.co.uk/newsbeat/31535464 Somewhat relevant (and may result in amusement for myself, we shall see). One thing Twitter has given us is a much enhanced outrage machine, people called to slacktivist jihad over lots of minor things these days.
  15. Only have come across active racists in my time, or just people that buy into certain stereotypes (those don't come from nothing, but still).
  16. Those fit people being able to run for more than 30 seconds or being attractive is a micro aggression, man. But really, people have something against fit people? I can understand that if the fit guy is some muscle bro preaching about lifting every opportunity, but just some non fatso? Odd.
  17. Sounds like that will be a hard search, at least here.
  18. http://arstechnica.com/business/2015/02/time-warner-cable-calls-customer-ct-after-she-reports-cable-box-problem/ NSFW image...well language in the image anyway.
  19. Pft, I do that AND beat my wife.
  20. Fair enough, not as if the entire friendship is war (though, my mate and I that routinely had near violent arguments was a good one) but in the instance where someone's essentially telling you to not say or do something, it is a contest.
  21. Yep. I'm not above changing my behaviour. I do it all the time at work - just tell people what they want to hear so they will shut up and leave me alone.
  22. Well, it is a contest - they are requiring a modification of your behaviour, so either you yield (rolling over, so to speak) or they do (and probably end the friendship if there was one, or just flounce *snort*). It is a calculation, in any case, but was not really seeing much of a benefit to it, especially when approaching this as a stranger taking offense and having sore feelings, which is more likely.
  23. Irritated by Lenovo's behaviour, got my sister one of their laptops last year. So am going to check hers out to see if has the Superfish malware on it. Lenovo's response to this is golden by the way - "The relationship with Superfish is not financially significant," the statement says. "Our goal was to enhance the experience for users. We recognize that the software did not meet that goal and have acted quickly and decisively." Hm, surprised not hearing alarmist posts about Chinese intelligence being behind this all. Other than that a pretty ho-hum day.
  24. What benefits are there to that ? Other than I guess the people liking you more from just rolling over for them, so to speak.
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