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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Heh, ok, if being untrustworthy of western media is being conspiracy theorist.
  2. Hm wouldn't say suspecting a narrative in the media is a conspiracy. Certainly have noticed a lot of "Russia is bad" in the news here, before no one cared but with Canada's..ahem, saber rattling of late...
  3. It is impressive how some people are ok with things as long as the sights aren't aimed at them. Moviebob's "there are no bad tactics" for example, heh, though that sounds like something you'd hear from some fringe South American revolutionary.
  4. I can see how that can be annoying to somebody who scare-quotes "injustice" in this context, I just fail to see how people's annoyance at the acid-spitters is somehow more valid than the acid-spitters' annoyance at the games at which they're spitting acid. ...I'm really not seeing the similarity between the two. Who was scare-quoting anything ? Wasn't aware that was a thing. Did that as it is less typing than "what they perceive to be injustice". Of late, that word means different things to different people, and outrage is called for for reasons that don't really bear much consistency to me. As for your point on validity, ideally people should answer the call to jihad less these days, things would be better, heh. So you are okay with being annoying to people who are enjoying something you find annoying, as your annoyance is perfectly valid as you foist it on them ? That's what the 'don't play wihat you don't like' is about, really, you just leave people to enjoy what they do.
  5. The people spitting acid are the ones that get their shorts in a knot over "injustice" in games, most of the time, hence the annoyance. Telling them to do less of that isn't a bad thing - akin to advising people to not play games they don't like. Though that sword only cuts away from "socially aware" games with people identifying as pixies or what have you. Was rather amused at how easily some people are suckered, loving Blizzard and now wanting Overwatch just because they added a female character that fell into the right bucket.
  6. Heh, not liking humanities is anti-intellectual, that was a good one
  7. Would prefer games journalists just stuck to being the variant of whores they are now, in a way, don't think it will be all that harmful.
  8. Eventually they may learn character assassination via media is much better, really. All States are about that I guess
  9. Kluwe's trolling is rather bland, shame it will be so effective. I forget why most of these people are significant.
  10. Not sure why they would bother bumping him off, at least with respect to Ukraine, Russia's enemies are already convinced that Russia is involved enough so this proof in his report is rather redundant at this point, no ?
  11. Hope is but the first step towards disappointment
  12. Sadly, I can see brand loyalty being a sizeable factor.
  13. Can`t discount emotions, my aunt put her dog down later than she should have but partly due to him being a memory of my uncle who died a couple of years earlier and they were super close. Interview done, now I can take this God damned noose off my neck.
  14. That's rather nice your work has something for pet insurance. It is needed though, our two dachshunds cost a tonne of money, though I am sure not all of it is honest.
  15. Kuchera's already got the same kind of safe place in Polygon, no ?
  16. Might be a bit tricky for the $500 ones, given the GPU's costs (though the Alienware is vague, a 2GB GTX, I assume it is a 660). More fun to build your own in any case.
  17. Yeah, then they can sell us a fix, heh.
  18. Have my second round of interviews today, nebulously defined as meeting the manager. I guess he will quiz me on my non-existent Java knowledge or work experience (the job is pretty much the other side of the phone from mine now). Shouldn't be too bad. Interviews are so easier when you have a job, can safely treat this as practice.
  19. http://www.gamasutra.com/view/news/238152/We_should_have_been_more_audacious__A_Civilization_Beyond_Earth_retrospective.php Firaxis looking back at BE (strange to do that so soon after release)
  20. Was not expecting to see $5000 on the range.
  21. Was talking with some people who actually knew their time to run 10, 20, ect km and tried to improve it. They have a running buddy system, you know where you pressure eachother out of making excuses to make sure everybody shows up, and asked me to join. I realised that I have never been 'in shape', not one time in my entire life and accepting would inevitably compromise the system. Maybe I should try, just for the experience. Nahh, too much work. You should, if the people aren't insufferable ubermensch they should realize you are just starting out. Ah, reminds me of the elevator ride I took where I had to refrain from laughing when I heard "Yo bro, how much did you bench last night?"
  22. Hard to imagine Vancouver would host one of the most destitute regions in North America.
  23. Just need a tag of Trigger Warning Bioware and Romance
  24. Well, that's your problem then. He's fine with the people whose opinions matter, it seems. And really, this is just a gaming forum, despite the borderline masturbatory stuff in WoT about global affairs.
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