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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Why do we need diversity in NPCs, exactly? Is just odd to want to identify with the soldiers in COD or the PC in an RPG - it is a game, right?
  2. Yep, random disk issues are never good. Wonder if a cable or part was loose though.
  3. Makes sense given the average SJW is some groveling white guy.
  4. Well, as usual the problem is labelling everyone that disagreed with Alexander (not even a developer, tsk) as being part of that Evil Collective. Simple tactic really. I don't think they really like games for the fun of playing rather than...uh..experiences or something, recalling that article on how games have an accessibility issue as those who suck at it can't 'Win' them. Consequence of gaming becoming widespread, I guess, we get dudebros but just the gender studies taking variety.
  5. Meh, even if they are they still are benefitting from the higher profile. In Wu's case, shame people just don't ignore her, but with this being a Twitter war that will never happen. Heh, "democratizing" development will just bring more of her kind in, I am guessing
  6. You're right that sounds incredibly naive. Maybe smarten up and not trade insults with a troll ? I tend to prefer single player games, based on the constant issue of interruptions at home and all and friends have awkward schedules sometimes. But I do always keep a couple of MP games in rotation so when friends and I have time we can play something like WoW, D3, SupCom or Raven Shield. Returned to shooters with pubs after a break, is quite satisfying to gun down these annoying people
  7. GG has done wonders for these low talent people, hasn't it ? Yeah, you just think you do it seems. But why would it have to be a profanity-laced tirade, exactly ? You seem to be arguing on an extreme case rather than just one with a couple of swear words in it.
  8. Really ? Probably have some panels on how to solve the "problem" of not enough women in the industry if anything relevant to this topic at all.
  9. Well, only if the PMC was being funded by Spain or someone else allied to them I'd imagine. If it was some PMC people being paid by Russia that'd be a big coup in the media, after all. People doing this to fight ISIS as well, largely most people seem ok with that. A stupid act, but hopefully is somewhat self-correcting.
  10. Kind of funny reading that sentence, though it's not much of a surprise at this point.
  11. How long after it was this photo taken though? I don't imagine they never clean up crime scenes.
  12. I thought everyone had proof of that already from what NATO and Ukraine have been saying.
  13. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCUcyEsEjhPEDf69RRVhRh4A Youtube channel that walks through WW1
  14. He's dead, Jim. "It was his logical conclusion" was another chuckle worthy one.
  15. Nah, just nuke 'em. In theory if someone were to just kill everyone in that region, things would be calmer. Peace-making, we could call it.
  16. Protagonist of Jedi Knight (Dark Forces 2). Mercenary that ends up being a Jedi with the best beard
  17. Why I always hate football fans, seeing them boo Giroud and now watching Lovren catching abuse. Dumb proles.
  18. Not a good European campaign for the English. Which makes me smile somewhat.
  19. Technicals MLRS does pose risks.
  20. Very nice
  21. Wouldn't be a geopolitics thread without some sanctimony from the Euros.
  22. I was mainly disappointed I couldn't torture Carth to death as any character.
  23. Feel sorry for Giroud, that open miss may have been tricky with the ball bouncing. Should have left him on. Still Bellerin was one huge weak point in an overall sucky display. Didn't really ruin my day, no longer care that much. Have a job interview on Monday for a position I applied to today so they must be desperate.
  24. 3-1, too.
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