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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Twitter is such a cancer, lol
  2. Still playing Cities, right now my industry is collapsed due to lack of workers, hm, but is rather fun trying to optimize the flow of traffic and goods even if I'm clearly no expert at it.
  3. Get the sense he enjoys messing with the West too much.
  4. You speak of cold hearts as if they were a bad thing, man.
  5. As expected the dude caved and begged Kuchera's forgiveness. Wu also showed up with "your blog hurt me" and he's doing the dutiful there, so not much to this. Interesting that one should request permission before linking another's article, or how that thought works.
  6. Ah, the things people do to pander to the Outrage sometimes
  7. I guess people see the problems already existing with booze and think of those same types high up on coke or speed when they hear full legalization. Not entirely baseless, I guess.
  8. Usual assortment of errands today, shame too is a nice rainy and wet day and I wanted to walk in it - might only get that chance when it's night though.
  9. Not surprising, but when it comes to implementation it is a tad vague so that is where the concern of what it will justify comes in. Not really paranoid to see that, but carry on.
  10. And do you want a cookie then ? Good for you, Bruce! Sure, just as the last paragraph pretty much is the viewpoint you are seeing as paranoid. But, again, it works for you, and is always the barb thrown whenever there is a suspicion of anything, I suppose. Not that it is really a major concern either way, as TrueNeutral has a thorn in his ass on, but it is always a good and enjoyable thing to examine any "guidelines" being pushed, subtly or not, for problems or issues.
  11. Amusing that you label it as paranoid, considering the large bunch of that post you left out that points at that. But I suppose said characterization does work for you so... As for Chu, his Twitter edginess is pretty funny, even if he is some nobody.
  12. And who is this Google(1) person
  13. Get there early or go to a stop further away and walk to your destination?
  14. The artsies have to tell themselves those sweet, sweet lies man.
  15. He gets a pretty good return on them though, why he'll never stop. I am disappointed at the lack of hot Slavic women though.
  16. All jews look alike, eh ? You anti-semite! But yes, from what I recall of Sharon's stance on things, there's not much different between them.
  17. Interestingly saw an article asking why whites are called expats yet non-whites are immigrants.
  18. I'm waiting for two pages of hot Slavic women.
  19. http://www.nytimes.com/2015/03/13/world/africa/nigerias-fight-against-boko-haram-gets-help-from-south-african-mercenaries.html?ref=world&_r=0 http://www.aljazeera.com/news/africa/2015/03/nigeria-foreign-mercenaries-boko-haram-150313122039403.html Not a surprise really that mercenaries are involved.
  20. It does, though I suppose the scum posting stuff in PE forums isn't quite comparable to something like the IGDA. But what's the harm in talking about them ? Hurting the IDGA's feelings or something ?
  21. Or Rousseau for the less murderous.
  22. Not really malicious though, they think they're doing good with these 'guidelines'. Any time you write suggestions on how others are to do things you are trying to influence them from the outside, right ?
  23. Well, one could argue "art" is an essential (artsies gotta eat somewhow), people need entertainment and so on, much like services like transit, sanitation, power, etc. A BS job would be one not actually producing something or providing a service. Is interesting to see the dependent jobs resulting for any given obviously essential job, too.
  24. For a moment I was wondering why you were implying your wife was a dude.
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