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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. I think the real problem with showing Berlusconi's is that the forum can't support photos of that many women. But anyway, he has better taste than Clinton (he really chose them for personalities I guess) - http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-11982228
  2. Reading comments upset that she had coffee with Wardell was a pleasant start to the day. Apparently she is now trying to make herself look human to GG people so they won't write bad things about her, such was her reasoning I had thought she was going to ask about game design, she needs to.
  3. EVE's great for out of game drama. Also teaches valuable life lessons about how to cope with loss and how everyone is indeed an enemy http://www.ibtimes.co.uk/eve-online-corporate-thief-steals-13000-worth-assets-daring-heist-1490283
  4. Hardly the case now, so one's public Twitter feed gets swamped with crap, if one is a notable person this is expected and desired in some cases (publicity). You can still communicate with people via, y'know, email or the legion of IM utilities, newsgroups.
  5. Do they usually wander around at sea with no escort ? Shortcomings aside, old battleships' durability was kind of impressive looking at the (contemporary) abuse they took before sinking.
  6. Well, is it really something to worry about if some people are scared off an industry from the perception their ideology is unpopular in it ?
  7. Better loot and XP in a group, that's why
  8. Well nothing lost there, really, they don't have a career to lose. You'd think they'd be more worried about serious issues in the industry like overwork, bad management, etc. than people being nasty on Twitter. Not like every woman that makes games is going to get this abuse (it'd have to be guaranteed to justify said fear) and if one is good enough to reach the levels where people know of you (no one knows of Tools Programmers, for example) you will be earning enough to just laugh at them as they try to assail you. Also, one has to be pretty hard to make it in almost any field these days, as it should be. Probably relevant as well, even if she was from a company I want to see ruined still (R6 ) http://www.polygon.com/2015/2/26/8078083/jade-raymond-next-step
  9. I don't know, in a weird way Jacob's utter lack of anything interesting (creepy "....the prize..." aside) does make him memorable.
  10. Nah, that's inhumane. Just mount little pepper spray cannons to the dachshunds' backs and have those be remotely controlled, dachshunds are armoured up and charge the crowds and provide a platform for pepper spraying.
  11. They can do a good bit of damage if they catch you on your achilles or are somehow thrown at you or something (hm...dachshunds as a weapon..), I have a scar on my nose and forearm from my nutjob one biting me.
  12. Why should their deviancy be tolerated ? The flame for them! Hm, in terms of starting out I think odds are overwhelmingly against you in anything these days. Still, given the tools available, all you need is a lot of time and skill and you can churn out something good even with a small team, a lot of people lack one or both (not that AAA ones have a tremendously higher rate of success). Thinking of implementation though, I wonder how you satisfy everyone's desire to see someone like them in games, but best bet for that is to work your way up to a role where you can make that and then whore that point out for maximum profitability.
  13. I think it's still terrible. I own it, I think I got it free somehow (at least I HOPE I didn't pay for it...)
  14. Walking my dachshund today, he barked at a lady passing by who then went off on me telling me she was viciously bitten by one years ago. Granted my response of "What am I supposed to do with that?" didn't help much. Sheesh, this neighbourhood's gotten annoying over the years.
  15. Don't confuse not believing it's a necessity with it being a bad thing. It's a simple yes or no question, there is no need for the defensive deflection. Hah, of course it wasn't but hardly a deflection as it is answering the accusation. Only recall her being a hard ass to deal with, not much else specific to her being black. A white hard ass would get hashed the same.
  16. http://news.yahoo.com/video-shows-los-angeles-police-shooting-homeless-man-060031475.html More drama with cops again.
  17. Don't confuse not believing it's a necessity with it being a bad thing.
  18. Thought it was the chick with earrings?
  19. https://www.unrealengine.com/blog/ue4-is-free
  20. Interview done, now to enjoy the remnant of my day off by finishing chores and getting back to my coursework.
  21. Yeah but a lot of the whining about isn't looking at a game set in today's America or how it affects realism (funny enough the way some use realism as well to whine, heh) or it as part of development rather than it being something "driving" people away. Plenty of Asians, Blacks, Latinos, homosexuals, people that identify with blenders, etc play games and somehow manage to not need to be one with the protagonist, just find it odd. Then again, in most all cases "need" is just "I am pouting and want this".
  22. Why do we need diversity in NPCs, exactly? Is just odd to want to identify with the soldiers in COD or the PC in an RPG - it is a game, right?
  23. Yep, random disk issues are never good. Wonder if a cable or part was loose though.
  24. Makes sense given the average SJW is some groveling white guy.
  25. Well, as usual the problem is labelling everyone that disagreed with Alexander (not even a developer, tsk) as being part of that Evil Collective. Simple tactic really. I don't think they really like games for the fun of playing rather than...uh..experiences or something, recalling that article on how games have an accessibility issue as those who suck at it can't 'Win' them. Consequence of gaming becoming widespread, I guess, we get dudebros but just the gender studies taking variety.
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