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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Well, that's your problem then. He's fine with the people whose opinions matter, it seems. And really, this is just a gaming forum, despite the borderline masturbatory stuff in WoT about global affairs.
  2. And, so what ? The conversation moved on as Hurlshot commented on your post and it went from there, so really your post has little relevance to the ensuing argument. As for it reducing your desire to read the boards, hah... Also, bringing up Bioware getting the EA treatment a la that comic that is posted often, you have to expect an argument about how Bioware has changed from EA's influences. Happens a fair bit offline as well.
  3. Filming in portrait I take it this is a RTS of some sort? Yep, supposed to be an RTS about large scale battles, so I guess SupCom esque amounts of stuff blasting at each other.
  4. Hate speech ? Nah, just a really poor attempt at wit.
  5. Seemed a like a freemium tablet game. Also, vomiting NPCs isn't the best way to end your trailer.
  6. Some awful footage of Ashes of Singularity
  7. Well until you become a moderator, maybe just deal with it ?
  8. How is Offworld ?
  9. Hey, go to clubs for whatever reason you want - none of my business, really. My point was that if the end result is primarily titillation, it becomes almost hypocritical to be against strippers in games or media or whatever, but it doesn't seem to be in your case. Uh huh, but invariably there are common enough points of complaint and that was one.
  10. Second point isn't really holding well with the first and third. Isn't 'objectifying' a bad thing, as you lot always espouse ? In any case, Bruce being okay with strippers in real life as he wants to creepily make friends with them or something and him being opposed to video game ones is just a little inconsistent on the face of it, but the ends from both are different to him. So I guess it is ok.
  11. Yes, but this is addressing Bruce, not you - even if your initial post whining about "men" doing something does lead me to believe you are being a tad dishonest.
  12. Really ? Your opening shot with the requisite sarcasm really comes across as otherwise, shirty. The idea of agency is pretty weird when talking about things that don't really exist, and it is odd to decide one is bad as well this women (hypothetically) wants to arouse you but this is some man putting polygons in a scripted loop to do the same. The ends are the same.
  13. Have anyone you can sort of utilize as external motivation to go do something - friend, family member, victim, etc? It is rather annoying to have free time then have nothing in mind to do (it is fun to tease people without that luxury though ) Another resignation at work, shame too, the guy that left was pretty stand up in terms of criticizing areas the company was weak in.
  14. Hm, well, I think they still are - was not really sure what one counts as being successful so I ran with something quantitative. But then again, perhaps I can't see it from outside of the hobby.
  15. Aren't we there already, considering the income generated by the 'AAA' games and series.
  16. http://nichegamer.com/2015/03/ashes-of-the-singularity-is-a-giant-sized-rts-that-completely-reshapes-the-genre/ New RTS, supposedly large scale.
  17. Well he is right, or are you going to peddle more of your bull**** ?
  18. Ah, Schafer, still annoyed at his "LEAVE PETER ALONE!!" video, but that's expected. Weird to dignify GG with mockery at a professional event like GDC, but I am noticing developers are that way these days.
  19. I wouldn't say that but both books\movies do resonate with millions of people Twilight is more a teenager attraction but 50 Shades really did well with women of all ages for a number of reasons So no need for literature elitism...just because you have disdain for something it doesn't mean its subpar I think you completely missed his point there though, is the old adage that popularity doesn't always equal quality. You can push a lot of junk if you have good marketing, after all. Actually he didn't miss the point, his point was that just because something is popular doesn't mean it is subpar. Corollarily speaking, just because something is unpopular doesn't make it quality either. (Can't speak to either book, never read either). That said, a lot of the bioware hate reminds me of the old alternative music crowd where once an obscure band signed a contract with a label to make an album they'd sold out and worthy of only derrision. Perhaps I'm wrong, but often times the people who seem to pick apart the current Bioware game often criticise it for doing the same things that BG or BG2 did. Well, then all he did was reiterate the point then. I rather like the Bioware hate though, fosters nice arguments as some people are very sensitive about their game companies . Most of the time the Bioware games are good fun, like summer blockbusers.
  20. I wouldn't say that but both books\movies do resonate with millions of people Twilight is more a teenager attraction but 50 Shades really did well with women of all ages for a number of reasons So no need for literature elitism...just because you have disdain for something it doesn't mean its subpar I think you completely missed his point there though, is the old adage that popularity doesn't always equal quality. You can push a lot of junk if you have good marketing, after all.
  21. EA killing off Maxis Emeryville - http://www.beyondsims.com/55229/ea-closes-maxis-emeryville/
  22. Wasn't questioning it's relevancy, just its significance - and as you say it is inconsequential in the face of major problems. It's a really small component of gender equality, true, though thinking of something like women's access to education vs "women are strippers in GTA" does make me laugh. It does give people something to wring their hands over though.
  23. Of course not. Poor representation of females and minorities is indeed an issue, a much greater one then "Ethics in Game's Journalism". My issue with anti-GG is their praxis and how they waste so much focus and potential collective action on trying to fix one issue that's symptomatic of much larger issues. Combat the big issues and the smaller issues will follow suit. Yes it is, worrying about insufficient amounts of Asian, Hispanic, Lesbian or whatever in games or those women not being treated in some ideal way is pretty insignificant next to actual problems in the world (consider that an issue that one must crusade for is the stereotypical 'first world problem') which is what Bruce was carrying on about. And considering our starting point of "We are living in a world of massive economic inequality, Islamic extremism, wars in Ukraine, global pandemic viruses, an unstable Middle East, the rise of a haughty and jingoistic Russia and many other serious challengers that the global community grapples with.....", how is 'represenation' in games any different ?
  24. Pretty much why the talk of "representation" in games is very laughable, no ?
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