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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. These militia types always strike me as guys who are badass against unarmed people. So like cops in that way
  2. You do realize they've been the same company for a decade right? There's a reason the only good product they developed since 2008 happens to be the reason every other company wants to shove loot boxes down our throats.Really? Wrath, of all things, is the cutoff point for you? TBC was the high water mark
  3. Eh, RSG wasn't trying to be snarky with his.
  4. Should have known by the reaction to no D4 that this was going to not be nice. Then again reaction was sort of stupid, claiming an assumption not being true was a lie. Ah well, will be fun to watch screeching in r/diablo
  5. http://www.spokesman.com/stories/2018/oct/26/rep-matt-shea-takes-credit-criticism-for-document-/ Sounds reasonable.
  6. You have to look the part. Like those urban runners I see all tooled up with straps and stuff everywhere
  7. Discovered the awesomeness of the Mezzala in Fm2018.
  8. That's what you find despicable ? Hm.
  9. Expected D1 remaster, joked about the mobile game, heh.
  10. Yeah I'm not convinced that is disrespect to the fans or that any fans exist who revere official announcements. Purpose of a reveal is to find out the information, the method of which is irrelevant to the consumer.
  11. I just miss thrash metal
  12. It's disrespectful to fans, how?
  13. Isn't a valid one to grant it. I forget how literal and specific I need to be. Besides originally gang and domestic violence were the types considered.
  14. No, didn't change it, and said it is valid reason to claim, so then it has to be looked at. Not all claims are granted right?
  15. Aggressive ROEs means what in this situation?
  16. Only 18 murders per 100k, that's not that bad for an American city
  17. Sure you should, all that means you're not rejected outright - they'll look at the degree. If your country has death squads roaming around or gangs essentially owning parts of it, that's different from being mugged, right ?
  18. Sort of looks closer to Geralt in TW1's cinematics. Not really sure what happened with Triss' casting - hair colour differing from game isn't an issue as they got that wrong anyway in the game, if I recall.
  19. Violence was a valid reason until June or so. It probably should be.
  20. I never asked for this. Trying to spend money in FM2018 as I have it...but all the good players find Sweden to be crap so don't want to play for me. Even unemployed players! Tempted to say screw this and go manage Atalanta or something.
  21. You think you're going to see one from Fox ? In any case, with so many people, reasons for asylum will be so varied. On a related article, spotted this irritant - "A group of Central American migrants bound for the U.S border wade in mass across the Suchiate River, that connects Guatemala and Mexico, in Tecun Uman, Guatemala" Damn crappy editors!
  22. https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/414227-trump-supporters-like-me-more-when-i-ramp-up-enemy-of-the-people I guess the problem is the people are fools
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