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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Depends on the place.
  2. Ok, that confirms it.
  3. Cities Skylines Industries DLC, because it beats drinking
  4. Seems like not everyone did. Some studios are treated better than others, I guess.
  5. https://kotaku.com/inside-rockstar-games-culture-of-crunch-1829936466
  6. Hm, wars with other players is going to be pretty tedious then if you can't exhaust their equipment. Jumpgate had something similar - you'd keep the ship but lose everything else and get insurance money - but wars were dull affairs (granted lack of sovereignty or some sort of tangible objective was half the problem).
  7. The DLCs I have played don't seem like they'd be that much change to scope. At least they are getting better, the first three were pretty lackluster (I still wasted money on them on discount still, hah). Suppose you do have to look at it in the way you suggest for Paradox games
  8. Cities Skylines Industries DLC is out Looks like it is worth grabbing on sale. DLCs for this game always seem like they should have been in the base game.
  9. Vancouver cops made a police dog calendar - https://www.surreynowleader.com/trending-now/vancouver-cops-four-legged-pals-pose-for-police-dog-calendar/ Not a bad sample photo
  10. Do you lose items and your ship when you get shot down ?
  11. It's new to me!
  12. I think you may be overestimating your countrymen (like every country I guess) a tad.
  13. Thanks, all.
  14. Said good bye to my doggo, started bleeding profusely and had bleeding tumors on kidneys so was time to do it. Was there at end, went better than I expected. So, just have to look after family today.
  15. https://www.pcgamer.com/the-enclave-are-one-of-fallout-76s-factions-bethesda-confirms FO2 forever
  16. Cops would make more sense than Tom, maybe
  17. Trying to finish Battletech. A patch a while ago finally fixed the way equipment is shown, so you don't have to deselect equipment types you don't want to see anymore. Other than that, still a bit of a slog. Campaign mission with constant artillery attacks has me stumped, just due to my crap lance composition though
  18. https://www.nytimes.com/2018/10/19/us/politics/russia-nuclear-arms-treaty-trump-administration.html US to leave the INF treaty https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intermediate-Range_Nuclear_Forces_Treaty
  19. Shame, was sort of hoping they'd punch KSA on the nose publicly for the threat they made to the US last week.
  20. So they killed Khashoggi in a fist fight, huh.
  21. Guess you can't give them any excuse.
  22. Easy there, Edison. What? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/War_of_the_currents
  23. Easy there, Edison.
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