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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Cities Skylines, farming industry is a nice staple. Not sure what is the problem with my ore and forestry ones, but about to start an oil industry as my map has a lot of it. All in all, the Industry DLC isn't that bad, definitely adds some sort of complexity. Feeling like the UI can't match the scope of features though, at least the building interface feels a bit clunky
  2. Thought the big issue with Christians in the US was the prosperity gospel.
  3. How is GTA V's PC edition shoddy ?
  4. https://mobile.twitter.com/robbystarbuck/status/1056208150670397446?s=19
  5. Well, she's certainly BS'ing with her defence of 'promoting public debate', heh. Similar incident in past but with Christian figures as a target - https://merlin.obs.coe.int/iris/1995/1/article1.en.html ECHR Ruling, in case anyone wants to read it : https://hudoc.echr.coe.int/eng#{%22itemid%22:[%22001-187188%22]}
  6. Flyers' mascot is officially welcomed to Philadelphia. Based on what I've heard about Philly, I was expecting a .45 to his head initially http://phlcouncil.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/GrittyResolution-final.pdf
  7. Florida Man strikes again
  8. https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefings-statements/interview-vice-president-pence-robert-costa-washington-posts-space-summit-transformers-space/ So apparently Venezuela is behind the caravens, well, according to the Honduran President. Hm.
  9. Alan Wake back on Steam and GOG, apparently music licensing issues resolved.
  10. Says the guy who has me thinking who ISN'T a Nazi to him
  11. Seems like 800 soldiers (possibly some or all from NG) will be sent to the border to build tents, etc. Reading some comments about this, some edgy people or nutjobs want combat operations carried out on unarmed people though
  12. https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/middle_east/saudi-arabia-says-khashoggis-killing-was-premeditated-in-latest-reversal/2018/10/25/d517f406-d7c4-11e8-8384-bcc5492fef49_story.html
  13. What does 'acting like Americans' involve ?
  14. Always seems odd to read comments saying WW1 was about defending freedoms.
  15. Definitely hear glass breaking in this post.
  16. If you buy online this happens sometimes as they use stock from the store. Not a very good look for the company.
  17. You assume the person is operating rationally.
  18. Good thing you studied the blade.
  19. So Wasserman Schultz as the return address. Wonder if it is a mad Sanders supporter
  20. Or it'll be equated to people yelling at McConnell or Cruz. The Internet is to blame for all of this.
  21. Wonder if they'll ever bother with espionage.
  22. Still rolling through Rome 2. Sort of boring as I'm dismantling everyone and there's no spooky power to the east. Carthage as a client state would be funny, but I want Sardinia and Carthage itself, but as I've pushed them out of Spain and most of North Africa already...no point. Then onto invading Britain. Being organized and have an excel sheet with a list of my legions marking composition (so I know what they'll be good against), level and current station, so can re-assign them as needed and earmark any for offensives. If only I were so organized with real life things
  23. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-45958404?SThisFB&fbclid=IwAR1D7crRMRrQxBMREUXPhPOnt8W55MImXaB_vmMcYKnfci9STx7t6wnljSE
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