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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. It depends. There are two options for collecting lottery winning; all at once or parceled out over 30 years. If you take the lump sum, you get ~70% before taxes. If you take the 30 year payout, you received the entire jackpot over the course of time and "only" pay normal taxes for the annual disbursement. Gotcha, well still more than enough to live on. Maybe you could buy Obsidian with that kind of change, hmm... 1 billion now. https://canoe.com/news/world/americas-mega-millions-lottery-jackpot-hits-us1-billion
  2. Please, Overwatch is normie bull****. Well, certainly have run into a lot of guys that come across like them this season. It is funny how Bronze is actually more fun to play in than Silver. Delusions of competence, I suppose.
  3. Ascended into Silver tier of Overwatch, still have neckbeards spazzing out telling me to 'git gud'.
  4. 1 point is still investing.
  5. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2018-10-18/kelly-bolton-in-shouting-match-as-white-house-tensions-reemerge Bolton being a pleasure to work with as always
  6. https://www.curbed.com/2018/10/18/17992128/panasonic-human-blinders-wear-space Why do away with open office concepts when you can wear these.
  7. Well just being snarky, GTA Online is an abomination. Rockstar was asking for cheaters to rum rampant based on the way the MP game works.
  8. Well those cheats allow people to not have to buy Shark cards, right ?
  9. Blessed is the slave that learns to love the lash As always 40k brings relevant quotes : "What is the terror of death? That we die our work incomplete What is the joy of life? To die knowing our task is done."
  10. Must be somewhat surreal to be working weekends when there is nothing to work on.
  11. https://www.vg247.com/2018/10/18/rockstar-working-conditions/ Rockstar employees saying things aren't that bad. Maybe it is just me, but I find it ridiculous someone would feel frustrated that people think their company is a terrible place to work. Guess people really identify with their corporation
  12. https://www.pcgamer.com/ubisoft-executive-says-its-games-are-not-political Bit odd when Tom Clancy's name is attached
  13. I think the test pattern was all we saw when stations signed off.
  14. I assume they meant - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radiation_hardening but nuclear sounds cooler.
  15. How much of that do you have to pay in taxes ? Suppose one good thing here is the fact you don't pay taxes on winnings, granted, you pay it on the wager Weed is legal in Canada today, so expecting a lot of ****ing douchebags blowing smoke all over downtown.
  16. Well he's not dead yet! Doctor says she has no idea how long he has but told us what to watch for so we know to not keep him on longer than need be.
  17. Looks like cancer is back in my doggo, so that's not good news. He's still in good spirits, I'm taking the mentality that we all have to go some time so might as well make the most of it. Though thinking that when I have a dachshund attempting to boss me around does get hard some times
  18. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2018/10/16/trump-says-rush-condemn-saudi-arabia-over-khashoggi-similar-kavanaugh-accusations/1664413002/ Odd comparison
  19. That image Hoonding posted needs to mention snarking at humanities, as well. Forgot : Burn the Witch, Purge the unclean, etc.
  20. Huh, been ages since I read about that, recalled wrongly that it was an accidental detonation of a bomb. More proof that this mentality is never a wise one :
  21. The Office Space sequel sure is dark.
  22. Good thing they don't have rockets on those planes
  23. You sure that all the poor are like that ? Did see one article that gave an example of a guy whose birth certificate was in paper but got lost in the county office and that'd cost money and time to resolve - which wasn't practical for him. So is ancillary costs to consider as well. I guess moving forward it shouldn't be too bothersome to find supporting documentation, etc. for kids born in 80's, 90s' (even with the US' backward ways ). Should institute national service - then you get a free ID card that way
  24. Probably would be a lot of murders if we all met in one place. Either due to inter-party violence or some sort of missile strike
  25. Someone will murder you for the money.
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