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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Too many console gamers
  2. The true unpopular opinion is that all of their games suck.
  3. You get to interact with the worst of humanity.
  4. Someone's bitter. That had to have been made by someone who has never had a relationship. Either that or a ruined Sugar Daddy. Big surprise it's from Reddit
  5. Seems like coercive grind is the issue rather than just grind.
  6. It is glorious to see.
  7. I dunno, is behaviour really something you should have on the Contacts table ? Could have Contacts and Good_Contacts and then just do a join. Although, guess it doesn't make much sense to have a table with one column. Suppose there could be a column for reasons. Then again, SQL Clause may be into non-RDBMS Edit : Also, that query might be slower than it should, index on behaviour isn't going to be as helpful.
  8. Is an alloy, but close enough.
  9. What is this conclusion based on besides 'this is the viewpoint I want to condemn'? Hey, don't deride the very basis of discussion on this forum.
  10. Someone's bitter.
  11. I'm sure they will offer that privilege in exchange for money, can't not exploit suckers.
  12. https://news.blizzard.com/en-us/blizzard/22833558/heroes-of-the-storm-news HoTS in maintenance mode, pretty much. Wonder what hysterics this will lead to.
  13. Oby was actually funny though.
  14. John Scalzi is like the Paradox of authors, guy has so many little novellas for series for $3 or so.
  15. Got a tablet as an early Christmas gift, but I don't really need one so am trying to think up uses for it so I don't make my family upset
  16. https://www.pcgamer.com/full-throttle-remastered-is-free-on-gog-right-now Full Throttle Remastered free
  17. https://www.standard.co.uk/news/politics/sexting-scandal-mp-andrew-griffiths-has-whip-reinstated-and-will-back-prime-minister-in-no-a4015836.html 2000 in 21 days, damn.
  18. Real gong show. Think she's going to survive this one - https://news.sky.com/story/mps-reveal-whether-they-support-or-oppose-pm-11578536
  19. Ah ok. Usually communicating with players in online games means I get to deal with idiots spouting memes, edgelord types yelling racist stuff, raging people or most commonly people binding their PTT key in game to the same of that of Discord or whatever so you're hearing one side of a conversation. The latter can be somewhat funny, though.
  20. I dunno, is understanding other people in online games really a positive thing ?
  21. That's a funny comment, but really I don't think this boils down to competent vs incomponent. It's a deliberate decision that game makers must make in an age of quest compasses. There's been a few posts in this thread about how some games that feature a quest compass, such as Fallout: New Vegas, don't really support playing with it disabled because of the lack of description in quest logs and dialogue. Those things take time to write, so on one hand I can understand why game makers choose not to support quest compass-free gameplay. This is why I'm making a plea, in the hope that Cainarsky are aware that some of their players want to play this way - a way that ever player of Fallout 1 and 2 is accustomed to. If the compass is an option, designing it as if it were not is incompetence, though.
  22. Would be curious to see how widespread that feeling is, but that guy's party doesn't even sit in the legislature. Also apparently he takes money from some wealthy family, heh.
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