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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Time to wear socks with sandals and cargo shorts while blasting 'Fight the Power'
  2. Anyone ever read the myth of Sisyphus ?
  3. Play Dreamfall Chapters.
  4. https://www.thedailybeast.com/seals-marines-charged-with-green-beret-logan-melgars-murder Have read stories and random comments about how unprofessional and out of control SEALs are. Stuff like this does reinforce that
  5. Armed people on the subways here would result in every morning looking like a scene from John Wick.
  6. Pretty messed up society where a clerk may shoot you because you were rude to him
  7. And likewise his accuser is just making it up, etc., etc.
  8. https://www.theguardian.com/politics/live/2018/nov/15/brexit-deal-theresa-may-takes-agreement-to-parliament-politics-live Fun day for Theresa May.
  9. Lured in ? Come on, two weeks in advance everyone knew D4 was not coming and they could hope only for remasters - and that's not really worth $100 - and the VTs could be refunded. Actual tickets to attend were sold months in advance before any Diablo hype was self generated by the community. And that community IS pathetic, peddling moronic conspiracy theories or acting highly emotional over just not getting what they want - demanding apologies, or wanting D:I to be cancelled..for some reason. I'm enjoying seeing them gnash their teeth over it so much.
  10. Yeah, I'm not sure what a "remaster" would entail. Just touching up the engine to accommodate higher resolutions? Not an entirely bad idea, because the core gameplay is still fun and works today. But they already did that for The First Decade IIRC, and there's a limit to how much you can upscale that without making even Mammoths look like ants. And any changes beyond that will probably affect gameplay, and then we're crossing into remake territory, rather than "remaster". Much as I'd like a solid C&C game, in the age of MOBAs, I can see a number of ways in which they'd botch a remake. This is EA. Hope they can do something with the cinematics, but not sure if they have the originals. Probably also change to the right click command way of doing things as people are pretty used to that these days.
  11. https://www.ea.com/news/details-command-and-conquer-remastered
  12. Never mind, if they hated the homeless I suppose they would let them eat potentially tainted food. Or at least not to want them all dead and ill, rather than driven off
  13. Where's the dislike button.
  14. Seems like they just hate homeless in KC.
  15. It did have a nice OST though. That's something.
  16. Not bad, was worried they'd be some modern metal band with the terrible vocals
  17. Remove them all and put a microphone in their place. They may take that information and report whatever they like. Win/win. I cant believe nobody thought of this before so there must be some other loophole that they crawl through. Someone has to ask questions though.
  18. UT99 should win that handily.
  19. Ack, say it don't spray it. I know, that's a syn.
  20. I had a great UDP joke, but you wouldn't get it.
  21. That video sure could have been shorter. Not sure what is with the Diablo people freaking out this much over a game they're not going to play.
  22. https://digitalcommons.law.umaryland.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?referer=&httpsredir=1&article=2503&context=mlr Might be interesting reading.
  23. Maybe it was meant literally in the First Amendment, so speech is speech and press is printed word.
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