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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Pretty cool poster
  2. That combat does remind me of Borderlands. Looks okay I suppose, although it is funny to be walking around wielding a weapon all the time.
  3. https://gematsu.com/2018/12/horror-first-person-shooter-blood-remaster-announced-for-pc - Blood Remaster
  4. More software to download to run other software, woo. Apparently no forums or reviews - https://kotaku.com/the-guy-behind-steam-spy-has-been-working-on-epics-stor-1830890162
  5. Maybe my head is in the sand, but I thought this was already blowing over for the nothingburger that it is. Is a banner for the jihad
  6. And will be cracked the same day.
  7. Why would you ever preorder ? Don't be a sucker.
  8. French know how to protest, will give them that. Anglos are too passive.
  9. I would ask if there is still creative humor
  10. They pay for her entire lifestyle... Yeah but they're a bunch of trash that should be exploited. Aren't we all... Maybe you, I am much more higher class. I am refuse.
  11. They pay for her entire lifestyle... Yeah but they're a bunch of trash that should be exploited.
  12. Nice. Life is too short, so fleece everyone you can.
  13. That video did wonders for my self esteem.
  14. Not sure why there's such scorn for women streamers that play up their looks. Also, the people calling them "thots" crack me up.
  15. Wasn't Valrak the guy who creamed himself repeatedly while playing Deathwing and seems unhealthily obsessed with "immersing" himself in the setting? Not sure but that sounds believable. As I said, not a total wanker probably a partial one.
  16. He's a big 40k YouTuber I think, doesn't seem to be a total wanker, but comes close (better than Arch at least). Apparently there is a beta release this month so that's how he got it. The voice acting has improved, barring the guy voicing Captain Severinn there.
  17. More fluffy than anything else, but still is cool to see the Phalanx, even though I thought it'd be bigger.
  18. Is there a way to setup Edge to open in incognito mode as default? https://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/21affc27-64e1-495c-aa23-c0cbbce4a39c/how-to-start-microsoft-edge-in-private-mode-from-command-line?forum=scripting Easiest would be to make a .bat and put this in it C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe /c start shell:AppsFolder\Microsoft.MicrosoftEdge_8wekyb3d8bbwe!MicrosoftEdge -private You can find the Edge .exe in C:\Program Files\WindowsApps so can always make the shortcut that way and tack on the -private flag in the shortcut's settings.
  19. Have become Wenger in Fm 2018. Trying to play attractive football with players that are capable...who lose to the 15th placed team easily and are generally playing like crap. I assume it must be low morale, so I guess I'll stop screaming at them for now. My talented CAM has realized that he can earn far more in England so is agitating to leave as well, so that is annoying. Have to accept that as I play in a relatively low league (and the ****ing English overpay for everything).
  20. The foul influences of the Warp grow ever stronger...
  21. Well, it should at least have the pelvic thrust emote.
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