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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. On this episode of how to burn off all of your goodwill with fans in two weeks... Hah. Saying our "best developers" definitely is some sales department BS. Living that life now.
  2. Well you can find out things during trials, summer jobs, past events.
  3. Exactly, I suppose payment up front isn't usually considered "paid" but technically it is.
  4. Assasin. Also renovators. Which one are more scummy is up to debate.
  5. Witcher 3 concert for free, because they haven't reminded you about that game in a while.
  6. It is when you don't get the result you want.
  7. Being in Canda, Canadian content rules means that not only does the classic rock station play the same Zeppelin songs over and over, they also have to play lots of Rush. So it's an acquired dislike.
  8. Rush's only good song is YYZ
  9. Hah, was wondering if that'd get nixed. Can't imagine that wasn't the guy's hope with those two videos I saw. https://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2018-11-08-youtube-pulls-red-dead-redemption-2-suffragette-violence-channel-then-reinstates-with-age-warnings And, hooray, they back tracked. Well, sort of.
  10. Rather surprised at the number of flowers and cards we got from vets, family members and even my sister's coworkers for the loss of our dog. Helps though. Sort of laughing that my mom wants to hang a bunch of pictures of him when there are none of us on the wall . Most all miss sitting outside with him letting him ogle women (and thus making them look at me like I'm a weirdo ).
  11. Well, they did use the fasces, I imagine.
  12. It is not, it's much more sophisticated
  13. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-46132348 Edit : Well not fired, resigned at request of Trump
  14. Time to find your truck and introduce it to a Hellfire missile! But suppose so, not sure what 40k parodies at this point, seemes it takes itself a lot more seriously than it did in past (whatever happened to Obi Wan Sherlock Closseau? )
  15. Or just throw a brick through their window, get the rage out.
  16. You can only use it to connect male to male. That means you could use it to connect two computers, if they happened to be 10 cm apart. It won't extend two USB cords. Remember one end of a USB jack is a dud, because it ends in something else. A Minijack for power, at device. etc. My mistake. Wonder if it could be a USB data blocker aka USB condom
  17. https://twitter.com/ChrisAvellone/status/1060051700155789312
  18. But the most awesome piece of 40k related media is the one thing that's not grimdark If for nothing else than setting off all the insecure fans
  19. Noticed today on the subway I stuck out with my red coat, everyone else wears dark colours like grey, black, navy blue. Never understood that in winter fashion, especially with all the jaywalkers that get hit this time of year.
  20. 40k has plenty of brutal and rugged, setting has a lot of lore. Granted some of it veers into grimderp territory (I like the fact they manually load shells the size of buildings). Anyway, you're not wrong for not liking 40k
  21. Think I've won in Rome TW2, Britain is a client state now, all that is left is to pretend I am Alexander and march east. Realized I never did finish Homeworld DoK so I am pushing on with that, seems that I can cheese the game by just being a hawk - air raiding every objective into oblivion right now as the enemy doesn't know was AA is.
  22. Never really heard of a game itself being labelled hardcore, players sure. Usually means that the player is just very dedicated to the game - in that they spend large amounts of time playing but also thinking on the game, for lack of a better term. So they do stuff like develop builds, analyse gear/skills/maps.
  23. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bellamy_salute Funny image out of context.
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