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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. That video sure could have been shorter. Not sure what is with the Diablo people freaking out this much over a game they're not going to play.
  2. https://digitalcommons.law.umaryland.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?referer=&httpsredir=1&article=2503&context=mlr Might be interesting reading.
  3. Maybe it was meant literally in the First Amendment, so speech is speech and press is printed word.
  4. Bullet control is the solution. Or does that breach the 2nd amendment ?
  5. More funny than political - https://www.haaretz.com/us-news/trump-tweets-bizarre-warning-against-a-european-army-1.6652471
  6. Security guard was in uniform apparently - https://www.mprnews.org/story/2018/11/13/npr-police-fatally-shoot-black-security-guard-who-detained-suspected-shooter The cops will use some 'fog of war' type defense, will walk away easily.
  7. Rewatched this on the weekend. Not a bad series, overall and the soundtrack is nice even if Kawaii does re-use elements a lot
  8. https://thehill.com/homenews/news/416255-black-security-guard-stops-shooter-then-is-shot-by-police-while-holding One downside to good guys with guns, I suppose.
  9. /ignore 'ignore' is for snowflake millennials 'plonk' remains the true classic used by the discerning internet connoisseur. Old men, playing at trolling the world. But the world moved on to IRC, which gave us /ignore. Not accurate at all, but wanted to make a DX reference, was too poor to get Usenet when it was relevant.
  10. Msybe they can make a sequel AP, their greatest game
  11. Maybe they'll get told to make an open world TPP RPG
  12. Ignoring nutters on forums defeats the whole point of a forum. It's to be entertained, after all. And besides, not like we get REAL crazies on here, unlike r/Canada where people seem to believe Trudeau is planning White Genocide
  13. What evidence is there that a scientist is a particularly well suited professionhttps://forums.obsidian.net/forum/8-way-off-topic/ for a politician? Doesn't need to be when juxtaposed with felons and a corpse (previous profession really doesn't matter, in that case). They can be 'not good' but the other set can be actively bad. More proof that politics is a team sport - I've seen soccer fans stand up for a sexual predator just because he was a good player, seems like that same mentality applies.
  14. https://www.cnn.com/2018/11/07/health/scientists-in-congress-trnd/index.html Engineers, not like they are much more useful than hobos, either.
  15. Only the few of us who aren't Volo's alts.
  16. Well this place is largely people talking past each other repeatedly, so...yep.
  17. Considering this place, I'd say it does
  18. Still jumping around, might leave Sweden and IF Elfsborg for some other club. Hate having to keep Swedes in my squad as all the good Swedes are in Mamlo or Goteborg and they're not selling them. Also, spending time in WoW, fishing of all things. Need to level cooking.
  19. I guess someone should report his post, then.
  20. Wonder why they didn't have a backup travel plan if rain prevented the helicopter.
  21. Cultist stuff
  22. On this episode of how to burn off all of your goodwill with fans in two weeks...Hah. Saying our "best developers" definitely is some sales department BS. Living that life now. I would have said marketing, but I'm curious to hear what department you belong to. I'm design BTW. I guess our sales is marketing, but have heard the pitches given where our best devs will do X when it will just be who is free at the time. Also screws us with over commitment, but eh. I do L3 support. Well ok technically L1,L2 and L3 and dev.
  23. Wonder if it'll go like Bungie.
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