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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Pelosi's landed in Taiwan - https://www.nytimes.com/live/2022/08/02/world/pelosi-taiwan Unless the Chinese have a cloaking device though, no invasion anytime soon. Edit : Never mind about the jets, they're flying around in Taiwan's ADIZ, so that means nothing.
  2. Going to need some citations on who you're talking about here. As for drones being okay because non-Americans are using it, I think your persecution complex on behalf of the West (inextricably tied to whiteness as you said on the Kodex) is acting up. And the usefulness of drones, or any weapon, is separate from how it's used. UAVs are very useful, we've seen it in the war in Ukraine, the Azeri-Armenian war, the, heh, "War on Terror". The US killed al-Zawahiri, they also murdered 10 people in Kabul last year with a drone strike (conveniently no one gets punished for that).
  3. There was a question about them ? How many have they been used to kill in the last 20 years ?
  4. Yep, not a big deal, although I am sure squad Mako was just Cortez by himself. Despite myself, the in mission dialogue did get a laugh out me - the drone bothering even the enemies with its prattling on. I can see why people like this DLC for the fanservice.
  5. https://www.politico.com/news/2022/08/01/sources-u-s-kills-al-qaeda-leader-ayman-al-zawahri-in-drone-strike-00049089 Not sure there'll be dancing in NY over this.
  6. ME3 Omega DLC was fun. I realize the Citadel DLC isn't going to be much of anything as I only came out of ME2 with 3 squadmates
  7. As if unnamed US officials would say different, heh. Interesting one official stopped short of saying it definitely wasn't Ukraine, though.
  8. Well, if the Serbs act up and NATO, sorry, KFOR steps in a bombs them into submission, they are an enemy of the West. You'll cheer that on. Also, the Ukrainian MP above called them Putin's trojan horse, after all, and their politicians' word is gospel Definitely not in anyone's interest to have shooting erupt there, just a distraction from Ukraine and not like they need another war for domestic distraction or something.
  9. What's for you to worry about ? Serbia can't deal with NATO, enemies of the West will be cut down. This was an interesting breakdown (albeit on Twitter) as well
  10. This was funny as well As I said, Serbia's just waiting until the EU donates all their weaponry to Ukraine....
  11. Doesn't really seem to be anything serious. NATO still has troops there anyway.
  12. Will have to keep an eye out if they produce more details on the supposed attack.
  13. Some day I'll find out Bruce idolizes Ian Smith, and will be mightily surprised In other news - That is interesting.
  14. Fair enough, we did have people talk about videos like Pearl and Berg. But I guess that one is a bit too messed up. Funnily enough, posted that then was told about it by my mom, I guess she checked some journalist's Twitter or something.
  15. Surprised not seeing that more on news here, good way to get them the ATACMS. Russians reinforcing Kherson as well, guess whatever is going to kick off there is going to happen soon. https://www.spiegel.de/politik/deutschland/ukraine-panzerhaubitze-2000-mit-verschleisserscheinungen-a-e0a3bc00-5e4b-40fa-821a-c2d158079133-amp Was interesting to read this, modern weaponry a bit more delicate, I guess. Well or the rush training for crews is also a factor
  16. Well, did better with deaths. I think I can get 2 survivors, so will try it again. Only problem will be importing this as this save didn't do Arrival and LoSB yet - but luckily can edit the save.
  17. Current employer bothering me every day with some way they can keep me around, annoying. But I guess if the pay is better, staying isn't all that bad.
  18. Yep, said as much, and don't even need to go that far back, Afghanistan and Iraq had people saying same crap. Not really, mostly see them from links posted elsewhere. There are some people worth following with my dummy account but I unfortunately get suggested posts as well.
  19. It's amusing but also concerning to see how psycho people are online about this. Well, I guess not all that worrying, dehumanizing a group at war is par for the course. Twitter is indeed the best though, so many furiously masturbating over combat footage or posts by Massaro et al.
  20. Less ass in the LE, so no. The DLCs were not bad. Kasumi's quest was great for the stupid voice acting they gave Hock, Bioware couldn't find a South African to do a proper Afrikaans accent ?
  21. Multi-posting, multi-posting never changes. If we're going to whine and play backseat mod, anyway. Thinking on this, it is also a great time to just murder someone you didn't like.
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