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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Well hooray, guess we finally find out who the guy that attacked Foltest is, or something.
  2. Hm..time to emigrate. Odd how binary some see this situation.
  3. About to fire up Derek Smart's All Aspect Warfare, I hear great things about this game.
  4. Sid really needs to make a sequel to Alpha Centauri. I'll second the recommendation of SEIV. The graphics aren't anything fancy by a longshot, but the gameplay's deep enough to make it fun. It's real fun multiplayer though, countless months spent playing it PBW.
  5. Shame there's no way they both can lose.
  6. that assumes that you would have to "keep firing" people... which is unlikely. fire a couple malcontents and the rest get the message: nobody is irreplaceable. HA! Good Fun! You'd be surprised, not a general case, but sometimes the firing's backfire and you create more malcontents. It happened in my last job, company got mismanaged to death, team kept losing developers due to the manager's wannabe hardass-ness. Was funny to see them go from happy to describing to me how they'd cut the manager's throat, though, hehe (frankly a poisoned Jos Loius was the best option).
  7. You're right. Although even that has its limits, if you keep firing and replacing people for technical work you're shooting yourself in the foot.
  8. Playing The Guild 2. Enjoying it, oddly enough, not encountering as many bugs as I thought (did patch at a date after my friend played it and told me about it, though).
  9. Yeah, but most of the time you'll end up with just enough. Darth Vader school of managing isn't really the best, as you just get what you think is best, not necessarily what is. Still though, Activision does sound fun to work for.
  10. I agree, that was a pretty sad story. I was attached to my squad mates in Ghost Recon, remember one riflemen did an epic act of stepping out in to a road way, hitting several Russians with an M203 then picking several more off then returning to cover with me. Alas he bought it in the second last mission.
  11. I felt really bad when Jock died in Deus Ex, partly as it was my screw up for not doing anything after seeing the Odd Mechanic, pft.
  12. Could always grant XP for exploring, like Deus Ex I guess. Would be interesting to balance gains from sneaking with killing and talking.
  13. Maybe, although The Dig was pretty much all there should be, same with Grim Fandango (although that wasn't even done by the time CMI came out). Not much room left for sequels.
  14. Thought CMI was just as good as the first two. Was a pretty...dull video, I guess the Irish accent was supposed to be funny ?
  15. Playing Alpha Centauri, never really did move up the difficulty scale in the game, play on Talent - so I've decided to try to get to the middle or upper tiers. Addictive game, heh.
  16. Ah I see, well good company loyalty I suppose.
  17. Why did you play a 40k game if you think 40k is ridiculous, exactly ?
  18. Well there is some, you learn a bit more about the Sergeants. It's not on an RPG level, obviously.
  19. Playing Deus Ex, not going through in any particular playstyle although tending to the sneaky and non-lethal. Meant to finish this game..uh..7 years ago, but university and other games got in the way and then my CD got wrecked.
  20. Total Annihilation, liked it for the large scale battles, the soundtrack, the resource system and the (at the time) neat way fighters and bombers actually flew - rather than hover and fire.
  21. Damn, Thrall really is their golden boy.
  22. More classes, heh, yeah watch Blizzard attempt to balance or find a role for all those.
  23. Still Star Wars : Rebellion. I like how intelligence matters so much in this game.
  24. I'd have liked to see Tribes take BF1942's spot. But other than that, agree with most of them being on there (sort of wished for TA to be on there).
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