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Everything posted by vault_overseer

  1. I actually love removable batteries in xbox controllers - I bought a nyko pack with a charger and two rechargables for $15 and now I always have a charged battery on hand, with PS3 I'd have to plug in to charge.
  2. DA? I want to get excited about it, but its marketing campaign makes me nauseous
  3. Now that Brutal Legend is out and Alpha Protocol is delayed, what the **** am I supposed to look forward to?
  4. Bought a new impreza outback sport few months ago, so I should be prepared for the Chicago winters. Granted, they're much milder than wherever this albert dude is.
  5. We're gonna find out real soon, aren't we?
  6. Just finished the story, good game. You can continue playing after you finish story, that's good.
  7. I knew that multiplayer was going to be rts, but I had no idea that second half of the story is all rts
  8. Today I coughed up black phlegm. It wasn't nice, but it's probably because I'm quitting smoking, but last night I slipped and smoked one. I also smoked some weed, which is a natural expectorant, so I guess it helped bring up some loose phlegm and the tar from that cigarette made it black. At least I hope that's the explanation.
  9. Batman: Arkham Asylum, Brutal Legend and Point Lookout.
  10. Europe or US. Rent a car and hit the road. In US, I'd start in Cali, go down, then across Arizona, New Mexico and Texas, check out Louisiana and then haul ass over to east cost, check out new england and maybe NYC if you're into huge cities. About a month should be enough.
  11. That's hot.
  12. it's buggy, laggy, unpolished and uninspired. First one was better. In 1997.
  13. Please keep us posted on your experience with SP. I've been thinking about picking up a PS3 for this game.
  14. Ozzie, Lemmy, Rob and Lita ALL did amazing job with acting. Rob was probably the best, because he played two very different characters and made very good distinction between them.
  15. The game is great, characters are well written and dialogs are awesome. The story has couple of nice twists, but some of them are pretty predictable. The only thing is that about 75% of main missions are RTS. Be ready for that, it ruined the experience for some people who came expecting a brawler. I'm on the last battle and loving it. P.S. went to my local best buy today and they still had the vinyl sleeves, so I got one. It's really awesome, just like the one from the menu
  16. I bought parkan 2 from them a while ago. I don't remember mch about my experience, besides that it was a huge PITA
  17. IF that's not an uninspired review, I don't know what is.
  18. What has? Brutal Legend, the xbox version.
  19. Looks like it's been leaked
  20. Just watched new episode. Some of it is retarded, like
  21. And he accepts it. I like Obama, I voted for him. But lately I have been facepalming a lot, last month or two have been just plain talk all the time and no action. That said, I hate GOP leadership with all my heart.
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