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Everything posted by vault_overseer

  1. I've been enjoying my first month on anti depressants. I miss my concentration, reading is freaking chore.
  2. I don't know, I'm not an expert, but to me dark fantasy always associated with low fantasy, like Witcher, for example.
  3. I've only played through two origins - first as an elf magi, then as an elf rogue, but I'm wondering: where is this dark fantasy I was promised? Is it coming later? Because so far it feels pretty high fantasy to me.
  4. Awesome thread, nice to read so many different reviews.
  5. Some 90ies pop band theme. Take That or Spice Girls, yeah
  6. vault_overseer


    Many lulz.
  7. vault_overseer


    Watching episode 2, the acting is really terrible, much worse than Flash Forward
  8. They gots Sanitarium!!! http://www.gog.com/en/gamecard/sanitarium
  9. CoD4 had a GREAT story driven single player. I think it was one of the best single player fps experiences since HL2. Haven't played MW2, but mega hype generally turns me off.
  10. Watching last episode right now lol this is getting so bad it's good. Especially the blue hand stuff.
  11. vault_overseer


    I'm don't have a problem with it going in a different direction. I'm just saying it felt too fast, too much and too little. Flat and Furious, G!
  12. I'm gonna have Bourne soundtracks play thorough at least one of my playthroughs. Especially this track: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1RgFv-tPbFY
  13. vault_overseer


    Felt like "Previously on V" recap more than an actual pilot. Way too fast, way too much.
  15. Was that Orland Bloom playing a gangster?
  16. went to a halloween wedding, didn't know anyone, got second place in costume contest and rocked everyone out in air guitar free-for-all(didn't compete though) Veni, vidi, vici (my neck is really sore from all the rocking though)
  17. This is on the level of "Narwhals, Narwhals" http://www.weebls-stuff.com/flash/466_horse3.swf
  18. Regular boxed games are useless now, at least collector editions still rock. I really hope FNV gets something similar to F3's survival edition
  19. Four! I mean five! I mean Fire!
  20. couldn't fit the entire number unfortunately
  21. Do you recognize my id number?
  22. I know very little about W40K, just basic concepts. I'm not interested in the game, just the universe, so would Horus Heresy series be a good start for a total noob?
  23. say, what do i read to become geektized in W40K?
  24. I've had my share of life threatening stuff. Much strength and speedy recovery to your aunt! I was disappointed in morphine, vicodin is wonderful though.
  25. Sanitarium is effing awesome!
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