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Everything posted by vault_overseer

  1. Actually, it was Russians speaking, because all of the names were pronounced in perfect Russian.
  2. Jeez, what made you so jaded?
  3. I see you, and raise you 50.
  4. PA crowd is not one for halo, they're actually bringing bunch of board and card games on the train. there are already 16 people on the Chicago train...
  5. So apparently some people from PA boards are talking about taking train in groups and having a gamer party on the way there.
  6. No, this is the only one. This year it's on east coast, that's all. and there are already more preregistrations than there were attendees on any previous ones. I'd never go to E3, or any other conventions, but PAX seems to be really cool and gamer(not media) oriented. It's computer games, table tops, arcades and more!
  7. What, nobody wants to play some F:NV?
  8. I know MCA is: http://twitter.com/ChrisAvellone/status/7467491172 I've never been to a gaming convention and if Fallout 3 PAX performance is anything to go by, we have an exciting weekend ahead of us in March.
  9. I'm pretty sure it's been established that the forum will be hosted by beth. But i'm not touching it with a ten foot pole.
  10. Regal talk? Like Louis XIV? Yup, but also quoting themselves: We wanted to make fallout bad, so we said "What can we do to make it bad?" and we asked ourselves "What would you really hate to see in a Fallout game? More splosions, flat dialog, terrible animations?" We feel that we're the biggest fans evah, so it's the product of love.
  11. He wasn't as whiny as he usually is, but he still often spoke in that weird first person plural quotation form, not sure what the proper name for that is. It really annoys me.
  12. I thought the callers were retarded. Todd wasn't that much better either.
  13. Now that's what I call crude 'shop! EDIT: Oh, I see: "All content subject to change" http://www.oxm.co.uk/article.php?id=16320
  14. I really liked walking around DC after it's been cleared out, especially areas around the hotel and rangers' base. That definitely gave me creeps - walking through a dead, deserted town with nothing but the sound of the wind, imagining how grand it all looked before the war...
  15. Uh oh, Mr. Rorie is here to damage control:) I'd just like to say, that thinking about this game make me giggle like a little anime girl. Life is great.
  16. My most memorable gaming experiences were Batman:AA, then Brutal Legend, then Assassin's Creed 2. Playing Dragon Age now, so far it's the best and only RPG experience I had this year, therefore it can't really be judged as there is not much to compare it too.
  17. Went to see it with my wife. It was our first movie experience in about a year and it freaking rocked. Blah blah predictable, blah blah cliche, but soooo much fun! It reminded us what going to the movies used to feel like before we were spoiled by DVDs, HD, Torrents and 15 super CGI movies every summer.
  18. Space Marine appears!
  19. Since Keith Flint is the One Infected, Twister Animator and a Firestarter, he has full control over fire elementals. He commands Elemental to stop fighting, return stolen token and bring scoundrel back from the plane of fire, whatever his condition may be.
  20. Keith Lfint tries to raise some money and starts doing his "dances" in front of the store, hoping for "donations to stop"
  21. It's called hype
  22. I've also been doing a lot of gaming on my iPhone, A LOT. it's gonna be helluva gaming system in a year or two...
  23. I'm trying to keep myself from going there... trying really hard...oh shi
  24. I just finished AC2 and thinking about what to play next... Call of Juarez, or make another attempt at DA???
  25. Tunnels, eh? My character is called Keith Flint. He's a two horned devil with spells like: "Running without moving", "Speaking without saying anything", "Drawing attention" So he's pretty useless at fighting and stuff, but he's great at distracting enemies and drawing attention. Here's him in a tunnel: http://22.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_kp0zebZ1...zn70jo1_500.jpg
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