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Everything posted by vault_overseer

  1. It's not significantly slower. Compare switching between apps on iPhone and Pre and you will see that there isn't that much difference. Especially for the cost you end up paying for it. Apple didn't add those things for a reason, which most likely was cost control. and you are straying from the original argument. Your point was that iPhone isn't able to do any kind of multitasking. Which I proved false and noted that for most users "true" multitasking is a gimmick they likely will not need.
  2. What's the difference? what's the real, use case difference? More clicks? worse results? For all you, the end user, know, you may as well be minimizing the app and not closing it.
  3. Those are bad examples. you can take notes and go back and forth between notes and safari seamlessly - it will save the state of the app, so it will look exactly like it did when you closed it. You can IM while surfing with a push enabled IM client - I use beejive and safari at the same time all the time. You can listen to internet streams in safari, and it will stay open in back ground - I often listen to di.fm and bassdrive.com while reading twitter/IM'ing. Now, my biggest issue is that I can't listen to online streams and surf the web at the same time, but everything else is covered by apple's "save state" mechanic pretty well.
  4. Love my iPhone, hate the iTampon.
  5. I didn't hate KOTOR, but I thought it was very average and forgivable. KOTOR 2 I thought was great. Good story/characters/dialogs go a VERY long way in my book.
  6. Agreed. I don't care if the entire army of Beth PR pimps whore out F:NV for the rest of the year. I'm absolutely sure that the game will rock and I really want it to be a huge success for OSI. They deserve it.
  7. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA how little you know...
  8. Miranda is hot. Has this been discussed yet?
  9. Hey, I stand by my belief that Ausir is the most fallout-knowledgeable person on this planet.
  10. Congratulations, it's a shooter!
  11. Ausir knows everything. I really think he should be in fnv as an Easter egg
  12. My level of interest in this game is very close to 0. First one was a huge borefest
  13. I just can't find her attractive at all. Something about her just really repulses me. Not even bewbs can help.
  14. First one? Yeah, the second one is very different
  15. GTA Chinatown Wars on my iPhone. Hell Yeah!
  16. So you want everyone to censor their opinions, to your satisfaction? Good idea!
  17. Trying to justify terrible game design with insane theories that it's meant to be like that? yeah... And thinking that you even need to suggest that JE and MCA to write better plot/dialogues? Hell, I don't think they could write something that bad even if they tried.
  18. Right, Bethesda are smart guys that deliberately made a dumb game, so it sells. Riiiigghhhht
  19. This alone justifies the existence of tha internets
  20. I don't like codex crowd either, but cross-site bashing is not cool. I prefer to leave places like that alone.
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