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Everything posted by vault_overseer

  1. I'd like to point out that there are plenty of young Russians, who are not as daftly oblivious to the facts as our prime example here. And to Obyknven, are you a member of Nashi or Molodaya Gvardia, by any chance? If not, you should join, they need gullible people.
  2. Used to??? EDIT: I'm not going to argue with the brainwashed child I'm not going to argue with the brainwashed child I'm not going to argue with the brainwashed child I'm not going to argue with the brainwashed child I'm not going to argue with the brainwashed child
  3. Just read about the new delay, seriously, wtf???? I'm about to completely give up on this game.
  4. I've never been much a fan of Belgian beers. They tend to be too sweet for me. I want more bitter hops and/or richly toasted barley, not something that tastes like some apricots have been rotting in it. Duvel Most Belgian abbey beers have a bitter, blond variant too, as opposed to the dark, sweeter kind. Best beers though are the 'trappist', that are only brewed in abbeys. There are only 7 of those: Orval, La Trappe, Westmalle, Westvleteren, Chimay, Rochefort & Achel. Westvleteren, IIRC, can only be bought directly from the abbey. Or resellers.
  5. About to poor me another glass of Glenlivet, so I thought I'd pop in and say cheers. Cheers!
  6. Dokka Umarov(One of the leaders of Chechen separatists) took responsibility for the attack. Interesting thing is, he shunned terrorism before, but seems like, since last year, he has reversed his views.
  7. Oh god, I almost want to go to my local Belgian bar(one of the best in US) and endure the crowd for some St. Bernardus Abt 12 or Tripel Karmeliet. Scottish perfected whiskey, Belgians perfected beer.
  8. The problem is, you have to find it.Which means that you have to spend few hours driving around, trying to find stuff. Another problem, is that unless you do missions, you will have problems with ammo. So you kinda have to do some side missions before you can fully enjoy the game. Kinda like FFXIII.
  9. He's mostly right, except for the battle system, which is really fun in FFXIII. Just not for the first 4-5 hours(which is bad, I know)
  10. Only played one mission, it was standard "go and kill these guys, but make sure these guys live" I saw the opening story missions which included grappling up an awesome twin tower casino and rescuing a dude from the skybridge between them while getting shot at by helicopters and defending a dude by riding on top of his old ass car and tethering military jeeps to each other/lamps posts/bridge supports or just blowing them up spectacularly. As for the Win 7 thing, I recently changed to it as well and there's no way I'm going back to XP ever. Ohhh, those yeah, I played those through, they were alright. I was talking about the faction missions that come after that.
  11. Oh, I know why. There's often a lot of stability and industrial/economic progress that comes with a dictator. It's just that it almost invariably comes at the cost of personal liberties and economic freedoms, as you well know. I just wanted to see if obyknven was blindly accepting or actually worth talking rationally to. Did you get your answer? I'd have to say no. Partly because I'm drunk, but more because it would be unfair to judge somebody by a few posts they made. I'm not happy to have frail defences of disturbing authoritarian fired back at me, though. Stupid joke about a drunk Aussie goes here.
  12. Lotsa words shoehorning people into tightly defined groups - biggest problem of american politics.
  13. Hmmmmmmm. Do you known about praesumptio innocentiae? Said citizen of a country with 99% conviction rate. God forbid you ever have to appear in Russian court as a defendant. EDIT: Also, throwing Latin around, when you can obviously use English makes you sound like a presumptuous idiot.
  14. Eh? A game released in 2010 still has the Twin Towers in it? Methinks its time to update the graphics. Does it also still have the Collosus of Rhodes in it? Wasn't Twin Towers, just some random skyscraper. Dunno about Collosus, but it does have the island from Lost. And your plane crashes when you fly over it.
  15. Only played one mission, it was standard "go and kill these guys, but make sure these guys live" What's wrong with win 7? It's awesome!
  16. Oh, I know why. There's often a lot of stability and industrial/economic progress that comes with a dictator. It's just that it almost invariably comes at the cost of personal liberties and economic freedoms, as you well know. I just wanted to see if obyknven was blindly accepting or actually worth talking rationally to. Did you get your answer?
  17. That's a retarded question. I really wish people would stop comparing games to RL.
  18. I'm playing it when I have the time. It's freaking enormous, almost to the point of pissing me off. Found the Mile High Club yesterday, but missed it when jumping out of the heli to get there. It's definitely fun to play around with. One of the first things I did, was to reenact 9/11. I guess I'm a horrible human being and I'm going to hell.
  19. Lol, all of a sudden a CNN journalist learns about rape games that existed for years and blows it over into an international scandal, while making the genre more popular than ever, gg. These games existed for ages and didn't hurt anyone much. Now, all of a sudden, everyone is "ashamed" and "disgusted" I lul hard for this, I do.
  20. Why did you elect an ex-KGB communist as your leader? I wrote a lot of text here, but I thought that it would be better to just post these links to the infamous GQ article, it explains it the best: The article in English: http://ratafia.info/post/180606234/none-da...l-it-conspiracy The article in Russian: http://gawker.com/5352827/ The article about the article: http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.p...oryId=112530364 EDIT: Just to clarify, personally I wouldn't say anything as concrete as: "Putin did it", or "Chechens did it". However, the fact that current Russian government draws power from such tragic and still unexplained events, and yet taboos all talk about the issue, definitely undermines any credibility it may have.
  21. In Soviet Russia, girls is smarter than YOU! Don't doubt it. Usually prettier, too.
  22. limita ponaechala Democracy is gift of secret societes to mankind. Read it in "Founding Fathers, Secret Societies" by Robert Hieronimus and "On the Influence Attributed to Philosophers, Free-Masons, and to the Illuminati on the Revolution of France" by Jean-Joseph Mounier. Secrecy is democratic tradition. yup, sounds like a standard issue modern 17 year old Russian.
  23. I'd like to point out that obyknven is 17, which means that she was born in Russian federation and missed the "best" days of 1990's. As the matter of fact, she just started school, when our KGB friend took over and started spreading his propaganda. So she, likely, has no idea what free press, or real opposition is. Keep that in mind. I think that if you want some better answers, you'll need to find someone in their 30's, who's had s chance to experience soviet union, free Russia and putin's Russia. And that's not me. Now, if you want to know why we put an ex-KGB guy in a president's seat, I'll tell you the whole story...in few hours, once I get to work and have some free time
  24. Heh. I suspect you're going to get Wrath of Dagon dropping by to tell you that you're wrong soon. Fact that Kadyrov fought against RF in the first war is well documented, as is the fact that he's on the official kremlin payroll. I am. Born and raised in st Petersburg and a little town in south western Russia, somewhat close to both Ukraine and caucas region. Now, I'm a proud citizen of USA.
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