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Everything posted by vault_overseer

  1. A Russian nazi is the worst of all. Russia, a land of peaceful peoples has suffered at the hands of enemies for centuries. The suffering is almost bred into the soul. For a Russian to turn on his own goverment
  2. Yeah right, one of chechnya's main commanders during the first chechen war is currently the president of chechnya, sitting on the huge stream of money coming from moscow. Russian government will not really hunt anyone, it's not in their interest. They'll talk about need to fight international terrorism, while doing nothing about mobs of chechens causing crimes in the midst of major cities all over the county. Hell, they'll do anything to not provoke chechens. What they will do, is cancel some other elections in the name of fighting the terrorism(just like they did with gubernatorial elections). Bahh, I hate current russian government. It's even worse than communist one we had.
  3. Group unknown right now, i think. Some chechen website took responsibility without naming the group though. IT will probably be some random unheard group.
  4. Russian here to answer your questions. EDIT: 1. Iraq and Afghanistan conflicts are different from the Chechen one. In Chechnya the conflict is based around the land and historical struggle(wars fought since 19th century) rather than the religious based conflicts of Iraq and Afghanistan. 2. It's not the first subway bombing carried out by Black Widows, even though it is the first in 6 years. 3. Suicide bombings carried out by Black Widows are most common types of terrorist attacks in Moscow, in last 10 years 4. From what I know about chechens, it would be really dishonorable for them to disguise as a woman. But that doesn't mean they wouldn't do it. Now, the interesting part, is that there are plenty of reports indicating that authorities knew about the bombings and tried to stop them. There are a lot of witness reports from sunday night and early monday morning of police searches all over the moscow metro. Seems they were unable to find them in time. Here's a video from the evacuation of a train on one of the stations. Warning, blood and dead bodies!
  5. Tried to watch Akira, as I've recently got the Blade Runner 5 disk edition on Blu-ray and been getting into cyberpunk again. God what a convoluted mass that cartoon is. Biker gangs, superpowers, blue old children and retarded dialog. Granted, I'm not an Anime fan, but Ghost in the Shell was a fantastic cyberpunk movie....
  6. Just Cause 2, lotsa fun. tried out metro 2033, was refreshing to hear Russian at first, then I realized that the voices were the same as in stalker and raged a little. But then again, the translation is kinda crappy and the accent in English voiceover make me rage even more
  7. Rammstein - Liebe Ist Fur Alle Da Haven't had a chance to listen to the album last year, so listening to it now. Haven't really made my mind up yet...
  8. Wait, your wife bears your child, cooks you meals, and brings in a paycheck? Yeah, you need to get over the lack of sex. Marriage is a long road, you will get plenty of opportunities to shag. Lack of sex is not the problem, it's just one of the more annoying symptoms. My problem is in the lack of marriage, she's so submerged in her routine, that she stopped caring about the marriage. I'm seeing our relationship weaken every day, so I'm concerned, especially since my attempts to bring attention to the issue don't succeed. This is a common problem in marriage and I'm trying to fight it before it's too late, so I think that just getting over it is not a good idea. That said, our fifth anniversary is this year, so a crisis like this is pretty much due. We still haven't had a single scream-o-fest fight and seem to want to work to keep the relationship strong(it's just harder for her to keep track of it). So overall i'm pretty confident we'll get through it just fine
  9. I had a tough conversation with my wife. Ever since our son was born and she started a new job that requires her waking up at 5:00(and, subsequently, going to bed at 22:00), she's been paying very little attention to me, I almost don't exist for her anymore. In a way it is understandable, but she has also lost all of her sex drive, so all together, I feel like a person who just sleeps in her bed and eats her food and not her husband. Now, I've mentioned this to her before. We actually have this conversation regularly - every few months or so and every time she seems very apologetic and understanding, cries some, and then decides to be better, which she does...for a few days. Then I wait for a month or two, to see if she remembers that conversation, she doesn't and we start over. Yesterday's conversation was a bit more fatalistic in mood and definitely tough on both of us. I'm responding to it with a bit of a defeatist stance, almost not expecting any significant change(hell, even contemplating restarting smoking and heavy drinking) and her... well, I don't really know. We had a good conversation in the morning while I was on the bus, on my way to work. She seemed understanding my position and willing to work it out from her side. I just hope she sees it through. Oh, and she sent me a cute e-card.
  10. http://www.wtfjapanseriously.com/ This is site is awesome.about time someone put all of this crap together
  11. As an immigrant to US, I find it extremely amusing how much people get worked up over these things. Domestic violence and terrorism in the land of the free, because someone doesn't agree with you is very lulworthy.
  12. Yup, that's the glorious lyfe of SA
  13. Trotting out your examples of people dying in the ER again? Yes, sometimes stuff happens, but thats the exception not the norm. Whoa whoa, hold up, so you will not if fact wither and die in the street? So it seems we've finally narrowed this down to the point. People dont want to pay for their own elective medical services and that should somehow become societies burden. Suddenly you remind me of another Chicagoan I knew on the webs a while back... You're not an immigrant, are you?
  14. splinter cell conviction demo. dark and gritty. projections on the walls are weird.
  15. WHAT THE HOLY MOTHER OF GOD 7loayul8hujyluhyjmaiexa7yhrw *that was me smacking my head on the keyboard*
  16. Ate 30 milligrams of hydrocodone last night, after wife and kid went to sleep. That turned out to be too much to be enjoyable for me and I couldn't fall asleep for a while. Been feeling like **** all day today. I'm gonna have to lay off that **** for a while. That has always been my problem with drugs - I like them too much, so I end up having to quit(3+ months smoke free, yay!)
  17. I really doubt that MCA can't find new things to write about. especially with announced "deployment" date
  18. So what happened? Is Sega stopping Mike from writing any more?
  19. Finished first disk of FFXIII. I REALLY like the combat system. It really pays off setting up custom paradigm decks and timing shifts. Music is really good and i'm glad it's not a variation of standard FF music. Characters are pretty annoying and the story drags on veeerrryyyy slowly. But for the first time that I'm playing FF, I'm actually enjoying combat and not dreading yet another borefest grindfight. BTW, my fav. jrpg(not that I played that many) is Legend of Dragoon. It would be really nice to see it on the current gen consoles.
  20. I'm not big on ladytron when it comes to electro\electropop, I prefer ladyhawke, la roux and little boots(hands is the best pop album i heard in the longest time)
  21. He is a rich guy, who doesn't give a ****,has ties with mafia, bangs hot chicks and not afraid to talk crap. He is exactly what I'd imagine an Italian badass to be(Save for the lack of taste in cars).
  22. So far i hear so little of her, i can't tell
  23. FFVIII is my fav. But I only played VII, VIII and X.
  24. Oh my god! Snake River Conspiracy has slipped under my radar! I had their demo CD back in High School and wanted to pick up their LP when it came out and I forgot about it. You may have just made my week, Vault. But then again, the lady gets back from Mexico this Saturday. Same here, listened to them in HS, then forgot about them, then heard their awesome Lovesong cover in a porn. Here is the song in question:
  25. I've been eating away my hydroco. Now I remember why i shouldn't be given slips to this stuff - I like it too much.
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