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Everything posted by vault_overseer

  1. Yesterday I finally made a psychiatrist appointment. Now I have a week to build up the nerve to go there. Heh, I've been talking to everyone about it, I guess I'm that scared. Still not smoking or drinking, good stuff.
  2. In landscape mode I'm much faster than I used to be on my E71. But yeah, that was my biggest concern too. EDIT: Just saw the new iMacs. The 27inch looks great, but I really don't see myself spending that much on a computer, sigh...
  3. No problems whatsoever.
  4. I don't like their interfaces, lack of apps and reliance on a third party for email delivery.
  5. Only apple product I have is an iPhone, and I love it. Had E71 before and got sick of worrying about signing all of the apps I wanted to buy, terrible music player, slow internet and having to back up and reinstall every single app every time there was a firmware update. Fact is, iPhone is the most capable mobile device right now. I easily manage all of the servers at work from this thing, I play great looking games, I write music on it and I never ever had to reinstall anything, set anything up, fiddle with settings, or spend more than 10 minutes updating the phone. I have a family and I prefer to spend my time with my son, not my phone/computer. As of their computers, once again, I see the appeal. They are easy and time saving for people who go online and upload/edit their photos/videos on their computers, which is pretty much all I do on my laptop now. So, I'm pretty sure, my next computer will be an iMac, just because I don't have time for a PC. EDIT: Jees, few too many "computers" in that last paragraph.
  6. Because it does, for some people.
  7. It's just one of many problems with the game. Obviously, on its own, it wouldn't be that big of a deal, but when combined with many other problems, its annoyance multiplies exponentially.
  8. For some, it does, as it makes the game much less enjoyable. For some, it's a huge drawback and I can absolutely see where they're coming from. It doesn't bother me that much, but I can't say it doesn't bother me at all.
  9. With brutal legend and batman finished, I'll probably go back to call of juarez. Or, maybe, I'll borrow risen from someone, to check it out
  10. No, it's an absolutely valid and easy to make point. It proves that the game mechanics are broken, that's a huge problem in an RPG.
  11. My neighbor has a flashed console, so I got to play it a little last night. Loved the music(very mark morganish) and towns, dialogues are ok. Story just works, nothing too exciting. There's a ton of different guns, really cool. Overall it's pretty much what a fallout action-rpg should be.
  12. The best episode yet, now I'm hooked.
  13. Aaaand that got leaked too
  14. I don't think so... Thanks C.O.
  15. If that's what you want to call it, sure
  16. Love the internet at work
  17. I actually watched some borderlands videos and my interest peaked. I now have something to look forward too, I'm saved, YAY!!!
  18. Oh hai, I'm just doing some work on a firday morning
  19. Hard drive space is only a problem with the original 360 Pro. Now, releasing the core/arcade SKU was pants-on-head retarded, especially after xbox1, where every console had a hard drive
  20. Lordi would've been a fine contender too. Lordi is bunch of pussies, GWAR ownzzzz them:
  21. GWAR ****ing rocks!
  22. It's not that bad, but I do agree that it is one of the biggest problems with the hardware in these things
  23. But Manson is ye olde ****e
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