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Everything posted by vault_overseer

  1. You all DO know that this DLC is free, right? It's more of a DRM tool than anything else
  2. Finally watched Oldboy last night. Was good.
  3. It's the first original IP from Lucasarts in ages. It's kind of a platformer-puzzle. Very cute and atmospheric.
  4. [intelligence] So you don't like three dawg?
  5. It came out yesterday on XBLA, I tried the demo and it seems to be a gorgeous game, but it probably would have worked better on the iPhone.
  6. Haters gonna hate, yup.
  7. That's the only one I haven't played yet. So far, Pitt is my favorite. Pitt gave me a "This is so cool" moment when I climbed up the tower and looked across the city ruins. Was one of the more visually impressive sights in a game I've seen for quite some time. Pitt overall felt very fallouty.
  8. That's the only one I haven't played yet. So far, Pitt is my favorite.
  9. That's next.
  10. I'm just gonna repeat myself. EDGE is freaking awesome. It's definitely sharing my top iPhone game spot along with Rolando 2.
  11. Been trying to not get totally sick. Maybe I need some tea and cognac medicine.
  12. No, I can't prove that you have been punished for every crime you have committed. Maybe it's for the better, You seem very grounded in your belief in your own righteousness and I don't have enough time or interest to get into lengthy online debates anymore. I wouldn't mind picking it up in person, over a beer or two, though. So if you're ever in Chicago, reach out and I'll be glad to continue this over a pint.
  13. So now you never break any laws? I don't believe you. EDIT: You have no idea, do you? I'm speaking from my own experience. Some of these people are my friends, some are family. I know how this works first hand. 1) Many use one SSN for the whole family, others have an SSN, but don't have a job permission. Those who have the number, but not job permission, make fake SS cards. Many small businesses don't check SS of their employees, so they end up having taxes taken out of their paychecks. IRS doesn't care if they're illegal, they're still paying. 2) My examples don't commit serious crimes. Not all illegal aliens are blood thirsty latino kings. 3) Yes, my best friend's father died from cancer in this country. They paid for everything on their own, even lost their house because of that(yes, they were illegal and were able to get a mortgage)
  14. You did not answer the question. Edit: even with your edit, you did not answer the question.
  15. Have you ever broken the law?
  16. Some came legally, but stayed after their visa ran out. Others did not come here legally. All of them pay taxes, abide the law and pay for their own medical expenses. All of them dream about becoming legal. EDIT: There needs to be a way for illegal aliens to become legal. Say, if they lived here for 10+ years, speak the language, paid the taxes and didn't break the law, they can pay a $2k fine and get a real SSN.
  17. Oh yes, I find it quite jocular, would you not concur?
  18. I know at least five personally.
  19. and I still can't watch it at work:(
  20. It's a jrpg company.
  21. I spend waaay too much money on games for my iPhone. There are just too many fun game out, but if you don't want to buy, there's a lite version of the edge.
  22. Been playing Edge on the iPhone since it was re-released yesterday(**** you, Tim Langdell) What a great game! If any of you have/game on iDevices, get it nau!
  23. Finished Mothership Zeta yesterday, what a joke. Weapons are nice though
  24. Not really, but it doesn't mean we don't experiment: http://www.first-squad.com/
  25. What about the ones who work hard, pay taxes, get nothing in return and dream about becoming legal?
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