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Everything posted by vault_overseer

  1. Wow, it is pretty good, thanks for the tip!
  2. Seriously, who else can Obsidian turn to? Sega shafted them, Activision is the new evil, Atari is dying, Take Two is a decent possibility, so is EA and Bethesda(and we'll learn more about this pairing next year) Let's hypothesize that Sega drops AP and then Obsidian has to go and find a new publisher to pick them up and allow them to finally release the poor thing, what happens?
  3. Awesomeness and immershon? Wait a sec, F3 has weapon jams?
  4. Are you joking? Star Ocean is terrible, just awful.
  5. That would be interesting, use tools to perform maintenance on the weapons, or forfeit the maintenance altogether and deal with quicker decay and having to cannibalize weapons to repair. That might be too complex though.
  6. I know there's a handful of jrpgs on 360, but they all suck and I'm not sure about the turn-based part
  7. Isn't Protectron supposed to be a civilian model? It would make sense for it not to be build for withstanding multiple plasma hits. Kinda like mall cops:) Yeah, it's short, but it's very atmospheric, most fallouty location after Paradise Falls, IMO
  8. The ending is Effing AWESOME, epic and immersive
  9. I don't have a gaming PC anymore, not since I converted.
  10. April is ok, so is Nicole, but damint, Alyx holds a very special place in my heart... Wait, am I saying too much?
  11. SO does it really look that much worse on 360 than on PC?
  12. I don't think anyone can match Alyx.
  13. Heavy metal is the law! Demo was freaking amazing
  14. Dungeon Hunter on the iPhone hella fun it is.
  15. I'm one of those who converted. Got a 360 and never looked back. Even though I do miss having to restart the pc with a special gaming versions of autoexec.bat and config.sys
  16. I was walking around Paradise Falls last night, and realized that it is the most "fallouty" location in Fallout 3. Granted, it could use more quests, but overall, the layout, the design and the characters really made sense. It was especially fun to get up on Eulogy's pad and start shooting everyone with my incinerator
  17. I think it gets better further up north. After all, it's a pretty small game world.
  18. Dead Space was fine untill I got to that stupid asteroid cannon. Got stuck there and abandoned the game. Mirror's Edge, on the other hand, was a blast.
  19. Carmageddon 1. Had a whole album by Fear Factory as its soundtrack http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PUkQpOmzp3E...1A8&index=4
  20. I tried playing WOW once, I honestly did. But it seems that muhmorpuger craze has passed me while I was on a plane, flying over the ocean.
  21. that's guys behind samorost, right?
  22. Good idea, I don't want to get that battery recharged, because I want to enjoy the game at least for a short period. So, how's the weather in Tallinn? It's cold and rainy in Narva.
  23. Almost like a different company made a different game inspired by Fallout, but for some strange reason called it Fallout 3
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