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Everything posted by bugarup

  1. I do agree about needless excessive consumption that could be curbed in these trying times and that's it's OK for outbidden (is there such a word even?) countries to feel slighted and owe nothing to Europe, and that is indeed absolutely 100% not their fault, which is because it is 100% absolutely russia's fault. Wouldn't you think that being cross with Europe, but not with the actual culprit - russia - in this situation is, well, a tad hypocritical? As for realpolitik, why do you think Europe expects solidarity? My knowledge on realpolitik is admittedly shallow, but I don't think it ever included expecting to get anything for free. I mean, it would be nice to get free stuff of course, but not exactly expected? It's more like "It might be mutually beneficial for us all if you took our side, and if you want to go spanner in the works on us we can make it, shall we say, quite unbeneficial for you", which is just politics. Also, what countries get labeled as war criminals and Russia supporters when they are not? Because the opposite thing IMO is more prevalent right now, i.e. countries who quietly help russia fly under radar (or more likely everyone knows but nobody says anything).
  2. And what do you think Europe should do? Please don't say "Give in to blackmail by disgusting little piece of **** tyrant". I also don't get you constantly being snide at Europe's so-called "moral superiority" any time some European official calls out russia on its atrocities. How do you think that horror of a country's crimes should be called out? Like, "Russia, you are bad, but we are WORSE! Also hypocrites! Please forgive us Iraq and Iran, Serbia and Afghanistan, La Conquista, the Inquisition, ****ing up China with opium and lets throw it in Black Plague for good measure?", something like that? Also, Mamoulian War already said it, but I'll just repeat it for yer daily emphasis: "taking the 3rd world's resources " happens only because russia blackmails Europe with cutting off energy. Why it blackmails Europe? Because it wants its sanctions lifted. Why it got sanctioned? Because it attacked its neighboring country and as of right now still keeps destroying it, one civilian infrastructure after another. It all happens because russia started this war. It is russia's fault.
  3. I read KP's and Insane's posts on this page, there are words and sentences but I do not understand any of them
  4. I made a court poet for Azata myffic, but, well, it's kind of boring to play (granted, I'm a level 6 just outta Chapter 1, but still) and I'm not sure what else can I do with it after I get Dirge O'Doom at 10. Also to my surprise, the starknife - ninja star looking thing - is not a ranged weapon. It's ****ing melee. How can you even use that thing without constantly poking your own armpit? Shifter druid so far is, eh...anything he can do, his own animal can do better. Lets see what Chapter 3 and Aeon brings to table. I'm also definitely not making a summoner, because with their AI any boost is a complete waste of resources on those braindead idiots. Another disappointment of the year is brown fur transmuter. Yeah sure, he can make big ass dragons (that is, if the game registers the "Transmute others" click because quite regularly it does not and I end up dragoning my Lich's own bony ass instead), thing is, WOTR is almost all interiors or cramped narrow passages so navigating around is a pain in the (big huge scaly) behind, and so is targeting. Besides, I kinda hoped that Staunton will become a cool zombie undead dragon but he didn't. Also made an enchanter Lich. He's serviceable, though I have a strong suspicion that killing things by way of the Lich would be faster than toying with enchantments. Oh, and those bloodline thingies that are supposed to make enchanty spells work on criiters and undeads? They do nothing and this is my surprised face:
  5. I think I read it's 3, but now Reddit says Owlcat's PR for reddit said it's 5. Which is of course much better, especially for Liches. Albeit Swarm should have interesting times too. I bet there would be all-you-can-eat buffet.
  6. LOL, so the Citadel DLC takes place in Chapter 3, when your "loved one" is plural and before Liches and Swarms do things that they do? Coulda put it in Chapter 4 then, Alushinyrra sure knows how to party, 'sides, such a missed chance for Staunton and Minagho's reunion and ~wacky hijinks~ that would follow
  7. Cookies are meh and overrated. Also, Sten from DA:O did the cookie joke first and incomparably better.
  8. First season is horror, what with its Stephen King coating and all, even if it's more horrifying for people with kids than people sans them. The season of kids vs evil Russians is methinks more a homage to "kids vs evil Russians" fad of 80's and the last one with its overdose of hormones and rivers of tears, I don't even know. Some sort of high school rom-com melodrama?
  9. I don't suppose you can leave my little pony Lolcookiez in Hell where it belongs, can you. Asking for a possible future playthrough friend.
  10. I dunno about "don't seem to know", seems that everyone is familiar with this Sasha Grey lady.
  11. My money is on that they know their audience. Like, Demon path is so edgy McEdgelordy it'd make a 15-yr old poetry writing black metal fan cringe with embarrassment, it literally uses "Assert dominance" unironically and there were tons of people over Reddit going "**** yeah Demon path! So awesome! So badass!"
  12. Owlcat seem to support the axis where Evil is always Stupid, and Lawful is almost always Evil, so just stick to Lawful if you want to be slightly less moronic Evil. Still no Machiavellian choices, but those would require writing chops outside of Catowl's range. That said, I love to be evil, stupid as it may be, in Owlcat's games, probably because their characters do not feel like people (and mildly to severely annoy me) so it's like taking away ladders outta pools in Sims, funny instead of cruel. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  13. I'm definitely installing SkyUI because the original UI is awful and I already have a mile-long list of identical notes, bugfixes because bugs are bad, and perhaps one that makes dunce townies run away from dragons; don't really care about all that glossier hair, prettier faces and louder fart noises cosmetic stuff that makes the majority of most downloaded lists though. I like additional content, but there's not much of it save for Bruma town and Enderal, which is from what I understand a separate game rather than mod. It has a load of glowing reviews, but a good number of those come from grogs who think QoL stuff like fast travel is a) anathema, b) for nubscrub weaklings, so I have my doubts.
  14. Just ones that come with that extended aniversary yadda yadda edition. Skyrim's section at Nexus is Sturgeon's nightmare and I cannot be arsed to dig for that 5% gold in piles of dreck.
  15. So, uh, had the brilliant idea of "I'll just install that GOG's Skyrim real quick to see if it works and if I can play anything but a sneaky archer now". Now weekend is gone as if never happened, I'm saving for a homestead and no, I can't play anything but a sneaky archer. What do they put in those games
  16. Loaded up a couple of Chapter 1 saves, got the same message. The quest does not appear in the list though. I wonder what's this about? Maybe they deleted those giants from the game at all because they were obnoxious cheaters with pinpoint accuracy and ability to reach you indoors and now this stage of the quest autocompletes because it doesn't find them? Would be nice.
  17. I did not make them, just lifted from one of these threads, but since nobody volunteered I can share:
  18. I read Trickster transitions well to Legend because you get to keep nearly all accumulated cheese. Also if you're melee you can pile up even MOAR cheese into Legend and end with walking cheat monstrosity like I did. Legend was my favorite path roleplay-wise. While giving Vorlesh the wasn't as satisfying as same gesture in Bloodlines on account of her being much worse written character, it was satisfying enough since I grew really tired of that vapid idiot hag by then.
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  20. Loaded up that Trickster with Persuasion 3 that I parked before the last location. He's not even that heavily invested in intimidation, but the game still 90% played itself. I think I'm glad that Persuasion 3 did not work before. Still, mass suicide was better than when on Legend run everybody and their dog showed up to help, got en masse frightened by Balor's buddy Vavakia and ended up running all over the map like a horde of headless chicken stretching that fight into eternity.
  21. Funny you mention that, because I read on some engineering talk about that bridge the other day, and it appears the job is not that good as they built a part of it a bit deeper than it is safe (80 meters deep when the rule is 60 or something) and built on unstable seabed with stuff like "dirt volcanoes" on it, so its longevity is rather questionable. I'm not surprised it was built in record time though, as it indeed was pale moth's of kremlin vanity project and fascist regimes aim to please their ~supreme fathers of the nation~ and prioritize their passion projects. Also, there is absolutely no signatures of Satan on any russian papers -- russian delegation sent to sign the treaty pocketed the majority of Satan's tribute and bribed some random Nalfeshnee with vodka to forge the signature, and that's why everything in russia is how it is.
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