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Everything posted by Nightshape

  1. Game Damage == Pile of steaming ****
  2. "Playing a game you've worked on, is like wearing a dress you've been raped in." - This is the message I am really really trying to bang home....
  3. I'll add me 2 centworth. For 3D artwork you're looking at 3Ds Max, and Maya, but you may also come across softimage's XSI at some companies. The concepts are pretty much the same for all, so there is very little change there. Pretty much everyone use's MS office at somepoint, be it Outlook, or Word/Excel... Designers make extensive use of Excel for number tweaking, this is not so much a written rule just common particularly early on in development. Designers will occasionally make use of Powerpoint and Flash for presentations etc... Level design tends to be more specific but knowing UnrealEd and some scripting languages like Lua won't see you far wrong. Programmers spend most of there time in Visual Studio, or similar environment, some companies (usually smaller companies) use solutions such as Codewarrior. Notepad++ is also often used.
  4. **** their bestfriend. Now that's just a revenge ploy surely!
  5. Exactly... And if the drink don't work move onto harder stuff.... Pray for oblivion it's your only hope...
  6. Yeah, try drinking a litre of vodka before hand for dramatic "woe is me" effect.... Always works for me!
  7. I have never stated this. I said, I was working on something that is expected to be out on PS3, and XBOX 360... Perhaps folk should just wait a while until I can just say "I'm working on this". See it's the mis-quotation that bothers me. I don't know anyone from media molecule, my exact statements was more along the lines of "I work with someone who does". Which is true. "ultra cool Xbox 360 game with a kickarse co-op mode" < Maybe it will, maybe it won't, maybe you should all just wait.
  8. No no, he's doing that with his LittleBigPlanet friends! You are infact an even LARGER tard.
  9. It's a mans game.. for men.. who are manly.. and not afraid to take their shirt off if it gets too hot while riding the Brumak, BS... It's a game for Gaylords.
  10. It's all about how much it costs to develop a game for platform X... And what kind of size is the user base of platform X... Thus if the platform won't yeild a profit it's pointless developing for it... It's not complicated, it's basic business, you're not gaining alot if anything by putting a title out on MAC or linux. You're more likely to make a loss developing games on such a platform. Some companies don't even bother with PC ports because the likely sales on the platform aren't high enough.
  11. Tombraider: Underworld sucks, you shouldn't recommend that to anyone ever... Also shouldn't recommend ME either. GoW2 is so macho it's homo-erotic! It's okay Co-op, but still ghey.
  12. I can't think of any East-European/Polish games that have even been on consoles. It won't tank because it it complicated(it might, though), it will tank because it will be buggy and/or unknown/under marketed to the average console user. If it's that buggy it will never be released as it'd never pass Sony quality control.
  13. It's not just an updated Aurora engine, it's heavily modified. NWN2 is mostly modified in regards to rendering, hence electron.
  14. As in feargus and co setting out, not as in the project they got, I'm certain obsidian wouldn't have been around without bioware's help.
  15. Considering the humble beginnings of Obsidian, I think they've constantly as a company managed to go from strength to strength. You have to remember that it wasn't so long ago that Obsidian were just a bunch of guys who'd worked togeather. As critical as I may be of Bioware's technology, Bioware have certainly helped Obsidian get off the ground, but most of the credit belongs in the lap of Feargus and co...
  16. You can have a great story, but what good is it if the novel is missing pages? Or, chapters are missing? Or, pages are ripped? Novel writters create great stories as well, but they are not in the game making business. Successful execution of game design and development is important to the overall gamming experience. What good is a story without a functioning game? Right? I'm not saying we should bash Obsidian, but I'm saying we should look at their overall success in game exectution, functionality, and quality. Obsidian is interested in inovation, but it hinders their ability to create a sucessfully polished game. There is an underlying problem here. The under laying problem is blatent, both Kotor 2 and NWN 2 + XP inherited a bloated codebase from bioware.
  17. They're not too demanding but SoZ is to Aurora what IWD2 was to IE... The end of an engine where it's limitations, issues, and general problems are clearly evident.
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